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Another Serious Entry - More Clarifications

Queen of Noise


Some very recent events have driven me to post this.


Nearly a year ago, I and another BZPower member who goes by the username "Nikira" announced that we were officially dating. We had fallen in love several months before and decided, upon officially entering a relationship, that we had no reason to deny it or hide it. We've made reference to it sometimes since then, because hey, it's a big part of our lives. But one thing it's never been is a spectacle or show.


Recently members have started to act as if our relationship is some kind of fad to be imitated, or worse seen it and the other infrequent BZPower relationships as some kind of justification for using BZPower to look for a girlfriend or boyfriend. I cannot stress enough how improper both of these are, and how I am offended by the former.


Our relationship is not for kicks; it's not a show, for us or for you. We are in love and in a normal, committed, loving relationship - a real relationship. We support each other through the good times and the bad, through the laughter and the tears. Nikira and I have both talked about some of the hardships we endure in our lives in our blogs. Some of those are every-day things that we have to deal with all the time. We face them together.


Love takes work. It's work I'm one-hundred percent willing to undertake for the woman I love. Don't trivialize love, friends. Don't think BZPower is a place where that growth can take place - it's not. BZPower is not the place where that happened in our relationship; our relationship has nothing to do with BZPower - we just happen to both be members. Please don't treat the love Nikira and I share and the nurture we give to each other like something less than it is. No one can 'copy' us - love is something personal and unique to each couple that shares it.


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To add to this - I love the fact that other members (particularly staff) have been able to find a special someone that is also a BZP member. I don't condone the fact that this is a very sweet and celebratory occasion. =)


I just find that this "Smeagkira" term is getting a bit out of hand, is all, and I wish it weren't used in some of the contexts I have gazed upon. Respect other people, please. =\

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Was it really needed to take it this personally? People aren't trivializing your relationship, they're just having fun, isn't this a bit of an overreaction to things, as well as a bit egotistical to assume it's all because of you two? No doubt you caused some of it, but you act like it was all you.


Please disregard this, I posted it while tired and seeing something that struck me as off-balance, and as such reacted a bit rashly.

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Was it really needed to take it this personally? People aren't trivializing your relationship, they're just having fun, isn't this a bit of an overreaction to things, as well as a bit egotistical to assume it's all because of you two? No doubt you caused some of it, but you act like it was all you.


If it was all just for fun, I would not be making a deal out of it at all.


When I start to get rude and hurtful PMs and off-site messages degrading myself and Smeag because of said circumstances, I feel that is taking it too far, and I do not appreciate myself or people I love being put down in such a manner. I also don't want to see this happening to other people simply because they thought the whole thing was "a joke".


I know it was not originally caused by us - we never said the situation was caused by us at all. The reactions are just catapulting onto us, which is not something to be tossed aside at this point.

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Was it really needed to take it this personally? People aren't trivializing your relationship, they're just having fun, isn't this a bit of an overreaction to things, as well as a bit egotistical to assume it's all because of you two? No doubt you caused some of it, but you act like it was all you.


If it was all just for fun, I would not be making a deal out of it at all.


When I start to get rude and hurtful PMs and off-site messages degrading myself and Smeag because of said circumstances, I feel that is taking it too far, and I do not appreciate myself or people I love being put down in such a manner. I also don't want to see this happening to other people simply because they thought the whole thing was "a joke".


I suppose that's fair.


Similarly to the above I apologize for this as well, I was still a bit annoyed about my original perception and that air appears to have been taken into this as well.

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Just for the sake of my conscience, I'd like to say I only approved of Turk and TLH being together, nothing more. But I also didn't know it was taken this seriously by you two, though I do know you two have a serious relationship and I fully respect that.


So yeah. I just didn't wanna feel bad for something I dunno I did anything bad in. XD



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I'm significantly disappointed that it's gotten to the point where this has to be said. To think that some actually consider it to be so trivial... Disappointing, to say the least.
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Ew, I hate when people combine names like that; in fact, I was never a fan of the original name combo that started that horrible "tradition." (I haven't even noticed that one before.) Forcibly combining words is pretty tacky, but even if the words would go together, it still seems degrading of the individuality of each person. :/


Aye, BZPower is most definitely not intended as a meeting grounds for potential dates, as it is a site for a children's toy.


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Today is the very first time that I've heard your two names combined. Seems this bit of internet-drama has completely bypassed me, for which I am quite thankful.


You two rock, on your own and as a couple ^^ And no stupid nickname can change that.

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I for one believe that people should mind their own business a little better, or at least respect people's lives and the decisions they make, especially with something as important and life-changing as loving someone.


If they can't grant you that much, then they need to kindly go away.



Also, the term Smeagkira is probably one of the stupidest things I've seen on this site, and I've seen some stupid stuff, but that's just me =\

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