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I really want to write something, but I don't know what, and I don't feel like writing the five things that are already in-the-works.


Inspire me?


In other news, I hope to get the Writer's Club started by the end of next Sunday; I still would like a few more people to officially join, though [you can post here if you want to].


And on Wednesday I take the PSAT. Good news is that I get out of school at 11:30. Bad news is that I have to take a boring test. :P


Also, Midterms are this week. I had English and Biology today; both really easy. Tomorrow I have Religion and Latin [though, we're not having one in Latin]. Thursday is Math and History. Don't have one in History though. I'm not really concerned about any of these at all; I don't even really need to study for any of them. I do have a bunch of stuff due tomorrow, though, but I really don't feel like doing it. I guess I should get to it...


Basketball is kinda starting to get annoying; it just takes up so much time and is really tiring. Ah, well. Don't expect me to do any major stuff except on weekends or days I have half-day/no school.


But, yeah, writing ideas, please?




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Yeah, I'm taking the PSAT on Saturday. :(

Oh, and on writing. Inspiration is easy, just pick an obscure section of storyline, and expand the heck out of it. :P Like the group of OoMN agents in the Makutaverse that Tahu's team was going to, but got wiped out. Or detail Trinuma witnessing the death of his friend Botar at the hand of Icarax. Stiff like that. :D



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Here are two things I do when I need to write but don't feel like writing in any of my current projects.


Timed Writing I do this sometimes everyday for a week or so when I'm suffering heavy writer's block and just need to sit down and WRITE! What I do is a take a timer and for five minutes do nothing except for think of something to write about. I jot down every idea that comes to me, regardless of how silly/weird/boring/hyper/whatever it may seem. By the end of five minutes, I have to have decided on one of those ideas, spend a moment to organize my thoughts, and then set the timer for 15 minutes and type as much as I can regarding the subject I've chosen. It's fast, not time consuming, and helps to get back into the swing of things. I'll admit it can be pretty hard, but some of my favorite short stories have come from this exercise.


And then when I'm SUPER stuck...


Lottary Writing. Take a sheet of paper, write anything from one word to a brief phrase regarding anything that comes to mind, cut them all up, and then draw the first three or four and make a story out of the "sentence" you get. They're usually always really goofy, but whatever gets me to write when I'm stuck is good enough for me.


Hope that this is helpful! It's what I do when I'm stuck.

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Midterms? Seriously? We have our midterms in JANUARY. Huh.


Anyway... my school is having PSATs tomorrow too. Lucky for me they're only for Sophomores/Juniors. :nahnah:

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If people don't join they won't get a chance to get some awesome sauce prizes.


Also, Jithra wins with the suggestion. When I get stuck, instead of worrying about what the write, I just write. I sit down for about 15-30 minutes and spit out whatever on my mind. I try not to allow any sort of barriers or worry about grammar. It could be a diary entry, a poem, a short story, whatever--I just try to relax and see what my mind comes up with. This REALLY improves your writing, and helps you broaden your writing.


edit: warning fail sentence forming/grammar in this post. I'm too tired to edit.

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Yeah, I'm taking the PSAT on Saturday. :(

Oh, and on writing. Inspiration is easy, just pick an obscure section of storyline, and expand the heck out of it. :P Like the group of OoMN agents in the Makutaverse that Tahu's team was going to, but got wiped out. Or detail Trinuma witnessing the death of his friend Botar at the hand of Icarax. Stiff like that. :D





I was thinking something OOMN; I just have to figure out a scene with them and write about it. I am in the middle of one short story [it's five pages long, at the moment] which features the OOMN, but I want to do something that's one quick scene; like you said. Think up of a scene with the OOMN [something with Takanuva, possibly], and then write as much as I can about a small, two-minute scene.


Here are two things I do when I need to write but don't feel like writing in any of my current projects.


Timed Writing I do this sometimes everyday for a week or so when I'm suffering heavy writer's block and just need to sit down and WRITE! What I do is a take a timer and for five minutes do nothing except for think of something to write about. I jot down every idea that comes to me, regardless of how silly/weird/boring/hyper/whatever it may seem. By the end of five minutes, I have to have decided on one of those ideas, spend a moment to organize my thoughts, and then set the timer for 15 minutes and type as much as I can regarding the subject I've chosen. It's fast, not time consuming, and helps to get back into the swing of things. I'll admit it can be pretty hard, but some of my favorite short stories have come from this exercise.


And then when I'm SUPER stuck...


Lottary Writing. Take a sheet of paper, write anything from one word to a brief phrase regarding anything that comes to mind, cut them all up, and then draw the first three or four and make a story out of the "sentence" you get. They're usually always really goofy, but whatever gets me to write when I'm stuck is good enough for me.


Hope that this is helpful! It's what I do when I'm stuck.


The first one I've done before, but I really should do it more often [i've only done it once or twice]. I may have to try that second one some time; never thought of doing that before.


Thanks a bunch. It's good to see new faces in my blog. ^^


Why not do something before the Great Spirit was created? Like down in Karda-Nui with Tren Krom. That's something you don't see much of.


Possibly. I just don't know anythinga bout Tren Krom, so I'd probably end up making up my own plotline, in which case I'd have to think of something. Still, something before MN was created would be interesting.


Midterms? Seriously? We have our midterms in JANUARY. Huh.


Anyway... my school is having PSATs tomorrow too. Lucky for me they're only for Sophomores/Juniors. :nahnah:


Puny freshmen, you. And, are you sure? I think you may be confusing it with Semester Finals; this is the end of the first quarter. Though, our school is still a few weeks ahead of most; most schools [and we used to] end the first semester after Christmas Break -- we're ending right before Christmas Break.


Writing club?

Can I join?


Of course, Kakaru. Hey, if it'll make you become more active, I'm all in for it. =P


If people don't join they won't get a chance to get some awesome sauce prizes.


Also, Jithra wins with the suggestion. When I get stuck, instead of worrying about what the write, I just write. I sit down for about 15-30 minutes and spit out whatever on my mind. I try not to allow any sort of barriers or worry about grammar. It could be a diary entry, a poem, a short story, whatever--I just try to relax and see what my mind comes up with. This REALLY improves your writing, and helps you broaden your writing.


edit: warning fail sentence forming/grammar in this post. I'm too tired to edit.


Indeed -- thanks a bunch again for offering what you have offered. ^^


Yeah, I really need to try that again. It's helped before; I don't know why I don't do it more often.



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Like enough people have said, just write anything.

Of course, I shouldn't be one to talk. My epic was finished over a year ago and the sequel still isn't up, but whatever...

Also, I'm in for Writer's Club.


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