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Dreams Live

Boogie Monsta


Dude. It's been forever since I've had a dream worth chronicling. But here be one! Interpreteth, oh seer.


So there was this indoor swimming pool (basically generic YMCA building and all), but it was REALLY deep. There was this giant octopus at the bottom, and a guy in a Darth Vader suit was treading water. I had a giant Lego blunt-launcher-gun, and Darth Vader was telling me where the octopus was coming next so I could shoot it. After a few hours of this, a random vent appears in the wall. It bursts, and all these Lego men sailing pirate ships and wielding lazer guns come sailing out. They were true-to-Lego size compared to my human size, except there was one pirate ship as tall as I was (must've taken forever to MOC). So they all come out and run into each other and fall into the pool. The octopus surfaces and makes short work of most of them, and I dive into the vent to escape. The floor is covered in fuzzy 3-D graphics water, which is really slippery. I'm sliding down into the sewer when a random door opens in the wall and this guy who looks like the guy from the REALLY old technic sets (like pre-Bionicle technic sets) grabs me and pulls me in. He says some stuff to me, then we poke our heads back through the door to see a guy and girl (who're built like technic people) walking towards the opening. We're about to shout to them when my alarm goes off.




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You mean I'm not the only one who's had dreams with blurry graphic effects? I swear I've had dreams that looked like N64 games, lol.


But this dream is just crazy. ._.

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Couple days late, but this is awesome.


Still need to make a new one...

It drives me crazy when I get woken up in the middle of a dream.



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