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The Earth Man


Chapter 2: Drakis’s History


I followed the three scientists and I noticed the place I was in was very strange, it had mall rooms with test tubes filled with some kind of strange substance. I was only able to peer through the window for a few seconds. I could make out the substance, it was grey and silver and from what I saw It was also watery. They also had a board that had a picture of someone going into the pool of grey substance, and on the left a note that said

“Experiment #14578: protode…”

That was all I could read before I left. It was such a weird room. As I kept going I kept seeing more people that had masks on, some short, some tall, and some normal size. Until finally we stopped walking and we reached a door.

“Go in, someone’s waiting for you” Dr. Krakal said

I entered, not even questioning who was waiting for me or why someone would be interested in me. I went in and I saw a huge room filled with people on monitors, and one huge screen in the middle. I kept walking, looking at all the activity happening, some people were typing, others were delivering papers, some were talking with one another, and some were even laughing. I kept walking until I found the person they told me to talk to. This guy had a black jacket with yellow buttons, badges on his left shoulder and a hat, but the one thing that caught my eye the most was the mask he was wearing, It was gold and had rectangular spikes going out of the sides, had a trident-like shape on top of his head, and a strange mark on his right cheek. It looked like some kind of bird with three pairs of wings, and a long snake like tail.

“So, you must be Drakis” he said.

“Yes I am mister….”

“Oh where are my manners, my name is General Boron”

A general…what could this mean

“You’re probably wondering why you’re here” General Boron

“Yes I have”

“Well follow me and I’ll explain”

I followed what seemed to be his office. I looked around and saw that he had pictures of past generals. He sat down behind his desk and explained.

“Now, how can I say this, do you know why you were in that tube”

“No sir”

“Well back then you were a soldier in a war against the forces of Makuta”

“who’s Makuta”

“He’s a powerful force that took over the body of our old general he soon took over his entire body and made another body that suited him more”

“Wow, then what”

“Well I became general and I ordered you and your squadron to go and infiltrate Makuta’s base”

“So what, did we lose”

“No but we were close, your squad had all died and you were the only survivor, and you were determined to defeat Makuta so you beat him to death, almost giving up your life”

“And then”

“You won, but we put you in that tube container because we knew that one day he would come back”

“And he did“

“Yes so now it’s up to you to destroy him once and for all”

I pondered.

Wow, do I really want to go through that again

“So what do you say soldier”

I said.

“Sir, yes Sir”




Recommended Comments

Awesome!!! :happydance: So you can add like-

Bionicle/Huminoid/animalinoid people or what? Cuz if so I'd like to add a couple more features

to my character if you don't mind <:3


sure thats ok just nothing to drastic



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