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Can't Keep Me Off

Lady Kopaka


I'm still busy up to my eyeballs with stuff, but I just wanted to say I hooked my internet back; it wasn't doing me any good. I thought by removing it I could get caught up in studies—apparently, it is not the source of my concentration problem. Sort of relieving to know it's not the problem, but annoying because now I have no idea how to force myself to get motivation back. I'm blaming it on my disorder for now.


Didn't get much art done either, sadly. Wrote a 7,000+ word story, but it's based on an older personal project, so no one would get it, haha. Did some organizing of my novel too, I really wish I could focus working on it more. I need to get working on that BZP related epic for you guys too, huh?


I'm so physically and mentally drained at the moment, but I'm hanging on. I ordered Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C./2nd Gig from Amazon with some spare money out of my savings, I'm hoping a GitS marathon will get me feeling better. I wish I was saving enough to get a PS3 sometime, though. FFXIII release is drawing closer...A Wacom Intuos sounds lovely too. Ah, someday over the rainbow.


K, I'll stop babbling. How are you fellas? I miss talking to you all.


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Guest kopakanuva13


Focusing on writing a novel is tough. I'm pretty sure 99% of writers have trouble staying on it, even if they have an iron deadline--especially when studying is in the way D:. I'm about 20,000 words away from finishing my novel I planned to have written like a week ago. Heh heh. Hang in there :)


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Removing myself from BZP didn't help either when I was having a hard time studying. It's like taking yourself away from your friends--all it does is completely isolate you. For some people that's good, but others can't live like that. (I know I can't :P)


As for motivation--it's always fickle for me. It's easy to stay motivated to do anything when things seem to be on track, but as soon as life just seems to become derailed, it does indeed get harder. The surest way for me was to take pride in the work I was doing. It really helps to pat yourself on the back for achieving something you previously weren't able to do.


Speaking of TV series, I've recently become hooked on a late 80's/early 90's show: Quantum Leap. The plot is uncannily similar to a story I planned on writing once. It's a sci-fi/adventure series, and you might be interested in it. :)


EDIT: Just noticed something else--is the Lady writing in color again?

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Yay; you and the colored posts are back! ^^


And, I've felt the same way before. BZPower does effect concentration, but both ways. If I'm on it, I'm able to get things done more, though it is distracting. If I'm off it, then I'm thinking of being on it, and I get more distracted. =P


Just one thing, though -- about that novel you're talking about, you should post that in CoT or in your blog, at least. Any story if it's BIONICLE or other by you is worth reading, and piques my interest.


Good luck with everything, Lady K.



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I missed you on here too :D


I sure hope you'll find out what's keeping you distracted soon. As far as I goes, I am doing ok. I printed out the pieces for my portfolio, I need to write a bit for them though, still. I wanna send it to the art-institute by the weekend.

And I injured my arm slightly, but i think the bandage can come off today.

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I'm doing just fantabulous. Though I, too, am having concentration problems and can't seem to get school done, lol.


Oh, btw, I like babbling, xD



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Good to see you back on. ^_^ A Ghost in the Shell marathon is probably a good idea; I always feel better after finishing the first gig, at least. Working on a novel is hard; for everyone I know, it can be difficult to keep your focus on what works and what doesn't. Also, I hear you about BZP. Being off it can be equally difficult, especially if you feel like you have responsibility here.


I agree with TDK, you should post at least a few samples of your novel. I'd be interested in seeing it, as anything you write is worth reading. And who knows, maybe hearing some people's comments will help you get on track in it. :)


Glad to hear you're hanging in there. I hope you feel better soon.


:voyanui: Master of the Rahkshi :voyanui:

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I'm having a good time at college. Having trouble keeping up on some assignments, but my grades for the most part have remained good. Speaking of which, have you been looking at colleges lately? Once HS is over and done with things ease up (at least, from my experience) and you get a much more lenient timetable. Of course, I went from public high school to a small college, so not sure if that applies to the changeover from homeschooling to wherever your interests + talents are pointing you.

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I am sorry to hear that you are having a hard time concentrating on all your work. I seem to be having the same problem.

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Well, if you want to focus on your novel more, then how's about entering "National Novel Writing Month?" Or, as it is more commonly known, NaNoWriMo. Wrote an explanation about it in the "Writers" topic in COT and since I'm too lazy to write it again, I shall just copy and paste it here:


NaNoWriMo is an event that takes place every year in the month of November. The basic goal is to write a novel of 50,000 words (or more, if you wish). There's no real prize or anything; the only prize you get if you win (and anybody who reaches 50,000 words by the end of November automatically counts as a winner) is the satisfaction of knowing that you have written a novel, albeit perhaps a shorter than usual novel.


In essence, NaNoWriMo focuses on quanitity, not quality. You are supposed to not worry about how good the novel itself will be and just worry about reaching 50k by the end of the month. In order to reach the goal of 50,000 words, it is suggested that you write about 1667 words a day or more, if you wish. But that is the minimum suggested and it is considered wise to try to reach that goal each day, though some people simply write maybe a few hundred words one day and then the next day write a few extra thousand to make up for the other day.


Also, your novel doesn't even have to be finished by the time you reach 50,000 words. All you have to do is reach 50,000 words, but if you don't, don't worry. This is supposed to be fun, not boring or frustrating, though sometimes I guess it could be if you get Writer's Block halfway through, heh :P .


NaNoWriMo is a great way to write a novel down on paper. If you had a great idea for a novel but have never had the time to write it, NaNoWriMo is the perfect excuse to sit down and do it, even if it turns our bad or is unfinished. You have the rest of the year to finish, edit, rewrite, etc if you want. For now, just focus on writing this November without worrying about quality and you will, hopefully, win.


Other information: You don't even have to live in America or write your novel in English to enter. Just write 50,000 words and you're a winner, regardless of language or nationality, despite the fact the "Na" in NaNoWriMo stands for "National."


Your novel, too, can be almost however you want it. It could, instead of a full-length novel, be a collection of short stories or even a fanfic instead of an original fiction story or whatever. Basically, if you consider a novel, they will, too.


However, cheating is not allowed. That means, you cannot just copy and paste extremely long Wikipedia articles into your wordcount and declare yourself a winner. Sure, you could, but where's the fun in that? You didn't write the novel on your own; just copied someone's work (which is likely not even fiction) in order to win. Other ways of cheating are prohibited, too, although they can't always tell when someone is cheating or not because they do not use judges to decide who wins (which would be quite imposible anyway, considering how many people enter each year). You just put your novel in a wordcount verifier in order to tell if you've written 50k or not.


I'm planning on entering this year, just like I did last year. It might work for you, too, though if you're too busy next month you don't have to do it.


Anyway, I too am having a somewhat hard time concentrating on editing/rewriting the second draft of An Unlikely Alliance. While I have got some work done, I've found myself getting bored and sort of drifting off into gazing into space whenever I'm editing/rewriting it. I'm thinking this is because I am eager to write my original fiction series novel, Two Worlds, and my mind doesn't want to do anything else but write it, though I have to constantly reassure it that I will be doing it next month as a part of NaNoWriMo so it will not explode out of sheer excitedness. It doesn't help that I've been doing lot's of worldbuilding lately, too, although this is necessary as I am still working on one of the main worlds of the story.


Hope you get over your "disorder" soon :) .



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Guest kopakanuva13


NaNoWriMo is pretty much amazing. I've been planning on entering this year just for fun since the summer... I think it would be a cool experience for any writer. As long as they keep themselves inspired and full of coffee 8D


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Removing myself from BZP didn't help either when I was having a hard time studying. It's like taking yourself away from your friends--all it does is completely isolate you. For some people that's good, but others can't live like that. (I know I can't :P )

That is exactly how I felt. It wasn't the fact that I was like "AGH I NEED INTERNET" it was just "AGH I NEED MY FRIENDS". Without blowing off steam and laughing with your buddies, it can get very lonely and stressing.


EDIT: Just noticed something else--is the Lady writing in color again?

Just in my blog, I think. And I might change the colour anyway because I keep forgetting how many people use blue. Suggestions?


Speaking of which, have you been looking at colleges lately?

Glad you're enjoying college; as for me, I'm not sure if I'll be going immediately, or at all. I don't know how I can afford it. Getting into college though as a HS isn't that hard though, I just have to jump through a few extra hoops.


Hope you get over your "disorder" soon :)

I was actually being somewhat literal, in a vague way. I sadly doubt what I have is going to go away, though I'm trying my best to handle it. Thanks for reminding me about NNWM though, TNTOS.


NaNoWriMo is pretty much amazing. I've been planning on entering this year just for fun since the summer... I think it would be a cool experience for any writer. As long as they keep themselves inspired and full of coffee 8D

I've been wanting to do NaNoWriMo for years, I just never have the time...and for the past few years, Novembers are just terrible for me. I'll definitely think about it this year though.


I agree with TDK, you should post at least a few samples of your novel. I'd be interested in seeing it, as anything you write is worth reading. And who knows, maybe hearing some people's comments will help you get on track in it. :)

Well, one side of me is just dying to give more information about it here, but then again--while I'm not exactly sure how things will work out, I'd love to see if I can get this story published and get a writing career moving. Because of that, I'm really scared of showing too much information, because of copyright stuff. Not that any of you guys would steal my stuff, but just knowing that it's public to everyone makes me iffy. So I'm not sure what to do about that.

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I was actually being somewhat literal, in a vague way. I sadly doubt what I have is going to go away, though I'm trying my best to handle it.


Oops. Sorry. Thought you were joking or something.


Well, one side of me is just dying to give more information about it here, but then again--while I'm not exactly sure how things will work out, I'd love to see if I can get this story published and get a writing career moving. Because of that, I'm really scared of showing too much information, because of copyright stuff. Not that any of you guys would steal my stuff, but just knowing that it's public to everyone makes me iffy. So I'm not sure what to do about that.


I feel the same way about my own works. I don't want to reveal too much information, like you, since I plan to get published someday, but I also want to talk about it. So I just try not to talk about it much, at least on here, anyway.



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EDIT: Just noticed something else--is the Lady writing in color again?

Just in my blog, I think. And I might change the colour anyway because I keep forgetting how many people use blue. Suggestions?


I think light blue is fine, although a purple color might look good, too. I'll have to go experiment with a few and see if there are any you might like. :P


EDIT: Here are a few I managed to mix up. I need to go find something to do... *lol*


Color test

Color test

Color test

Color test

Color test

Color test

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I agree with TDK, you should post at least a few samples of your novel. I'd be interested in seeing it, as anything you write is worth reading. And who knows, maybe hearing some people's comments will help you get on track in it. :)

Well, one side of me is just dying to give more information about it here, but then again--while I'm not exactly sure how things will work out, I'd love to see if I can get this story published and get a writing career moving. Because of that, I'm really scared of showing too much information, because of copyright stuff. Not that any of you guys would steal my stuff, but just knowing that it's public to everyone makes me iffy. So I'm not sure what to do about that.


I totally know what you mean...I'm kinda torn about the writing-related stuff I show on dA, whether I should let the public in on anything or not, but I hate to seal up my world inside of me and not let anybody see it. I dunno, it's hard. I get panicky sometimes and worry someone might try to take my ideas and characters, but then I hear all the lovely feedback from people and that always encourages me. I don't mention much plot-stuff though, out of caution. So don't feel pressured into revealing anything yet--it may take quite some time to decide what should and shouldn't be told. But if you do decide to show anything, I'm behind you 100%.


BUT DUDE LK, I've missed ya. I stayed off all my messengers and everything lately to try and force myself to study and keep up with school stuff, but it was just sorta blah and I ended up distracting myself with drawing and dA, instead.xD So yeah, been there, done that. Staying away from 'net friends gives me the sads.


A 7000-word story? Jeepers. I never seem to write more than a couple paragraphs that go in order in any way, shape, or form...heh. Well, good to hear you've been able to do some writing.=]


Concentrating is...annoying. I find that after hours of beating my brain against my skull, I have to let my concentration slide and do something fun, or I'll never get any decent work done, anyway. And yet somehow I manage to get things done...I have no idea how I do it.o_o Planning out what work I need to get done which day and thinning it out into manageable chunks seems to help...I dunno how your deadlines work, tho. Alas. In any case, I hope you feel better, and I hope your weather is better than mine, lol. It's been unseasonably cold and gray here. It's like dadgum November already.0: We just broke a record for coldest October day in our city, or something like that.



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EDIT: Just noticed something else--is the Lady writing in color again?

Just in my blog, I think. And I might change the colour anyway because I keep forgetting how many people use blue. Suggestions?


I think light blue is fine, although a purple color might look good, too. I'll have to go experiment with a few and see if there are any you might like. :P


EDIT: Here are a few I managed to mix up. I need to go find something to do... *lol*


Color test

Color test

Color test

Color test

Color test

Color test


I like the first, third and fourth best.


Though, I think you should go back to color in your posts, too, instead of just your blog.


About the whole copyright thing... Hmm. For me, I'm not really at a stage to start publishing stuff, so I've never really thought of it, and as such I don't really have any advice. :/ I do hope you post something soon, though, whether it's BIONICLE-related or not.



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I'm going to be doing NaNoWriMo for the first time. And I understand about the copyright worries, I feel pretty iffy putting my original stuff on the internet too. Would you self-publish it or find a publisher?
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Oops. Sorry. Thought you were joking or something.

Nah, it's cool.


EDIT: Here are a few I managed to mix up. I need to go find something to do... *lol*

Hey, thanks for the suggestions. I'll try those out.


I totally know what you mean...I'm kinda torn about the writing-related stuff I show on dA, whether I should let the public in on anything or not, but I hate to seal up my world inside of me and not let anybody see it. I dunno, it's hard. I get panicky sometimes and worry someone might try to take my ideas and characters, but then I hear all the lovely feedback from people and that always encourages me. I don't mention much plot-stuff though, out of caution. So don't feel pressured into revealing anything yet--it may take quite some time to decide what should and shouldn't be told. But if you do decide to show anything, I'm behind you 100%.

Thanks, Raia. I'm sorta torn between it too. Part of me likes showing stuff because I get great feedback and some really awesome suggestions/critique, but I don't want to place everything out and for people to know what I'm up to/risk stuff getting stolen. Like, I really want to share some of the information/plot info about this novel (you know 'bout it though), but I'm too scared too!


Though, I think you should go back to color in your posts, too, instead of just your blog.

Maybe, I'll have to think about that.


Would you self-publish it or find a publisher?

I have no idea. All I know is that I'd like to become a writer and get some things published, but I'm just not sure if I'll be good enough, and trying to solve all those complications. We'll have to wait and see.


I guess if anyone is interested in learning about writing I'm working on, feel free to PM me, but I probably won't share it publicly.

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Speaking of which, have you been looking at colleges lately?

Glad you're enjoying college; as for me, I'm not sure if I'll be going immediately, or at all. I don't know how I can afford it. Getting into college though as a HS isn't that hard though, I just have to jump through a few extra hoops.

The extra hoops are what scare me...



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Speaking of which, have you been looking at colleges lately?

Glad you're enjoying college; as for me, I'm not sure if I'll be going immediately, or at all. I don't know how I can afford it. Getting into college though as a HS isn't that hard though, I just have to jump through a few extra hoops.

The extra hoops are what scare me...



Knowing many other Homeschoolers who have gotten in to college after graduating, it isn't that hard. I think the only difference is that, unlike when a highschool would do a lot of the paperwork for you, you have to do that manually to get in one.

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Ghost in the Shell = GitS

GitS = Glitch in the System HAR!


So, yeah. I haven't posted in this blog in forever. advice: don't feel like the internet sites you like are making you unconcentrated - I did a couple weeks ago, and the computer has only just started working again. As for your novel:


WAAAAAAAIT! I had no idea you were writing a novel! Are you publishing it? When can I buy it?!? I need more books! (because I'm addicted to reading) :P


I'm gonna... umm. Go MOC. and calm down..



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Guest kopakanuva13


Self-publishing is much easier but not gratifying in the least bit unless there are a lot of people you know online who would advertise your work - I suggest that going through all the hard work and getting an agent/publisher would pay off, since your novel would have way more of a chance of getting into actual stores and then getting read by people all over once it got accepted.


And about copyrights, it's a very good idea to post little or nothing of an uncopyrighted work, wherever it may be on the internet. It's not likely to get stolen, but the possibility is always there. From what I've heard they're fairly inexpensive if you copyright more than one thing at once, but I've never gotten that far before so I'm not sure.



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