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Jb - World Champ!

Tifosi 92


The Brazilian GP today saw the crowning of a first-time Formula One World Champion: Jenson Button. Although I would've rather seen either of his rvials win the championship more than him, Button showed one heck of a race today.


The race was entertaining at the start, with plenty of mayhem throughout the field, but a little more boring towards the end. Kamui Kobayashi is officially one of my favorite drivers; after the bold moves he showed today, he's exactly what F1 has been missing these last few years as far as determination goes (Especially the re-pass on Button at the first turn--priceless! :lol:). I think I was rooting for Kobayashi more than anyone else during the race. :P I hope he keeps his ride at Toyota; I'd like to see him racing more.


Ferrari and McLaren drove a somewhat uninteresting race to me; they both just seemed to sneak up on everyone, and it felt as if they fell into their positions while everyone else didn't seem to get what they deserved for driving harder. The podium for the race wasn't exactly what I thought it should've been, either. I think Button, Vettel, and Kobayashi deserved to be on the podium. Kimi's race was shot when Webber drove into him--I'm not exactly sure that was an entirely sporting move, especially from someone who's always complaining about safety and the way others race.


Button also drive an inspiring race today, too; passing one car after another, his drive reminded me of Schumacher's last race. For the first time this year, I was cheering him on--especially during his passes on Grosjean, Buemi, and others. I wasn't too certain I wanted Button to win coming into the last two races, but after today, he's proven without a doubt that his determination to be champion never ceased. All in all, the Brazilian GP was a fairly good race, in my opinion, and I actually feel as if the championship went to the right person.


Congratulations to Jenson Button, the 2009 Formula One World Champion!


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I see you forgot to mention Hekki thought it would be fun setting fire to Kimi. :lol:


Great race, one of the best this season.



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I see you forgot to mention Hekki thought it would be fun setting fire to Kimi. :lol:


Great race, one of the best this season.




I did forget to mention it, didn't I? I guess that's why they call him the Iceman--the fire didn't seem to faze him very much. :P

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