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Windows XP is no more. Thank the Trojan horse. My mobile Internet connection is gone along with it, but at least the public library has an open WLAN.


Ubuntu is great, sure, but it's still a pain to get used to a new operating system and get it all tricked out with codecs and drivers and software so it'll do everything I need it to do. I really, really hope the virus isn't affecting Ubuntu The guy sitting next to me in the library says it's not possible for a Windows EXE file to run under Ubuntu. What a relief!


Thank God I can still access my files under the Windows partition. It didn't work the other way round, so pooh on you, Microsoft.


Also, I am making good headway on A. facing and B. changing the reality of my life situation. Soon I will have money to live and eat, and with a little luck, work to sustain that income as well as save up for my trip to Canada next fall (and BRICKCON!!!). So yay for objective realism and awesome friends who help me work through stuffs!


On the LEGO front, I have, by last count, eleven finished creations awaiting photography. I hope to have at least some of those done and uploaded by next weekend. As far as WIPs, I've got one in particular, a sub-project of the BIONICLE Concert diorama, that should really wow you guys when it's done. It's a mosaic. Of an eye. With layers and textures. For the stage backdrop. It will be awesome in the nth degree. :o




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It will be really cool if you can make it to BrickCon! AT the Bionicle table at least, we didn't get many members further away than Alaska or California, but plenty of Canadians. Hope to see you there!


And bummer about your computer. :(



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LOL, I remember seeing the original show at my neighbour's house when I was a kid. Seems like everything that was ever popular is getting resurrected these days. A sign of the times, perhaps? :P


By my calculations, I'll need to save something like 150 euros a month to be able to go to BrickCon 2010. Not an impossible feat, especially if I'm able to take on more hours per week than the standard. ^_^



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The guy sitting next to me in the library says it's not possible for a Windows EXE file to run under Ubuntu.

Well, there is this program called Wine...

It runs .exe files.

So you'll know if you're activating one of those files before it runs.



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The guy sitting next to me in the library says it's not possible for a Windows EXE file to run under Ubuntu.

Well, there is this program called Wine...

It runs .exe files.

So you'll know if you're activating one of those files before it runs.



Yeah, I found out about Wine recently.


Update to my situation in the newest entry. That was one nasty mother of a virus!

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