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I Honestly Did Not Know



...that one can get zits on his earlobe. Good to know, though, since I was all worried it was EAR CANCER or something. Well, I got through my birthday with less freaking out than I had anticipated, though one of my friends took to heart the forecast I had made that I would curl up into a fetal position and be all catatonic and stuff. Halloween is fast approaching and no feasible ideas have presented themselves, so I might not participate this year. I would like to be this, but I am not crafty enough. :(


Yes, [scarlett Persephone] means "red bringer of destruction." It was the closest I could get to naming her "Optimus Prime" without ruining her life.

Best. Dad. Ever.


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It's even worse when you get one IN your ear. The pain!





I just hat having them in general.


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I've had them in my ears before, making it nearly impossible to wear headphones. I've also had them literally in my nose, when I had a bad cold and was blowing my nose all the time. Talk about going from bad to worst.



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Wait why is xccj in a prison carried by a dinosaur?



Anyway, yes, zits, annoying, especially on/in ears/nose.


Whatdidjagetforyourbirthday??? :br:



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It's even worse when you get one IN your ear. The pain!




Try getting it in that hard to reach crater-like pocket. First you scratch it cuz you think it's just filth. Then it bleeds, the crust forms but that is itchy and painful so you just scratch it out and blood again.



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Oh yeah it was your birdai, wasn't it.

Well then I should probably say Humphrey Arpdai.

I mean- Nevermind.

Also Safari doesn't think nevermind is a word.

I wonder what life would be like without a written language.[/randomthoughtofthemoment]

- :l: :flagcanada:
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I've had them in my ears before, making it nearly impossible to wear headphones. I've also had them literally in my nose, when I had a bad cold and was blowing my nose all the time. Talk about going from bad to worst.



It's even worse when you get one IN your ear. The pain!




Try getting it in that hard to reach crater-like pocket. First you scratch it cuz you think it's just filth. Then it bleeds, the crust forms but that is itchy and painful so you just scratch it out and blood again.



I've had one in that top part of the ear. I had no idea until it popped and my ear started bleeding.


This is like the grossest topicthreadentrything ever. High fives all around!


@Letagi: Oral tradition. Lots of it.

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I've had them in my ears before, making it nearly impossible to wear headphones. I've also had them literally in my nose, when I had a bad cold and was blowing my nose all the time. Talk about going from bad to worst.



It's even worse when you get one IN your ear. The pain!




Try getting it in that hard to reach crater-like pocket. First you scratch it cuz you think it's just filth. Then it bleeds, the crust forms but that is itchy and painful so you just scratch it out and blood again.



I've had one in that top part of the ear. I had no idea until it popped and my ear started bleeding.


This is like the grossest topicthreadentrything ever. High fives all around!


@Letagi: Oral tradition. Lots of it.

We can do better than this. As long as it's inb4lock.

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I has question.

Why does you has two category blocks at the bottom of your blag?

Also just to add to the disgustingness I've never had zits in my ear and I hope I never will. If I ever do, I shall banish them in seconds with sheer willpower.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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Oh yeah zits in your ear that you try to clean out because you mistake them for wax or dirt




Has anyone ever had a zit in their mouth?


Because that'd be gross. =D

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Oh yeah zits in your ear that you try to clean out because you mistake them for wax or dirt




Has anyone ever had a zit in their mouth?


Because that'd be gross. =D

I've had at least three on my inside lip.


They were transparent!

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