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The Earth Man


Chapter 10: A weird Guy


We kept walking. Thankfully, we weren’t ambushed by silvertongues. We walked until we came to a small house. The house looked old, and rusty. We each gave each other a questioning look.

“are you sure this is the place?” I said to Visarra.

“yeah, my map says we should go here” she said.

“are you sure, lemme see that” Garion said.

“No, it’s my map” Visarra said.

They started arguing again. I prayed to mata-nui that they didn’t start shooting each other. They stopped because I needed to break it up before it got serious.

We kept walking towards the house. We walked in, and looked around. We saw many test tubes, and organs inside jars. We even saw a severed head. It was pretty creepy.

What did the general get us into?

We walked around. Then we heard a noise. We looked around as we saw a shadow. Then the weirdest man I have ever met popped out. He was tall, but he was always slouching so he was about my height. He had two different eyes, one of them was blue, and the other one was red, and didn’t even look like it fit in his eye socket.

“What do you want” he said with a raspy voice.

“uh…were just here looking for someone” I said.

“no…no one is here come back in a year or so”

“but our leader sent us here to…”

“well he lied, because no one is here” he stared at us with his red eye. That eye just felt as if it was leaving a burning mark on our faces. We started to leave.

“well, guess we should tell general Boron that we failed the mission” I said.

the man overheard us.

“did you just say, general Boron”

“uh..yeah he’s our leader”

He started laughing hysterically.

“oh boy I haven’t heard that name in ages, so what can I do for you”

Right when he finished saying that his red eyeball fell out of his socket. We all stared at it for a long time.

“uh…your eyeball is kinda…” Visarra said with disgust.

“oh it fell out again “

He put it back in and squirted a bottle that said ‘crazy glue’ into his eye.

“you put glue in your eye” I said.

“yes doesn’t everybody”

“okaaay, so anyway were looking for a friend of general Boron” Visarra said “do you know where he is?”

“you’re looking at him”

We all looked at him surprised.

“are you sure?” I asked.

“yes, why is there something wrong”

“nothing, just..here you go”

I gave him the note Boron sent me to give him. He looked at it, and made many faces while he was he reading it.

“ok I just need to go for a second, I’ll be right back”

He went into a room. So we waited, and waited, and waited. Bottom line, we waited for a long time.

“when is this going to be finished” Garion said “I feel as if we’ve been waiting for days

“uh..Garion” Visarra said “it’s only been 15 minutes”

So we waited for a whole 30 minutes, or as Garion says, one month. He came back out.

“ok you may come in” the man said

We followed him into a room. He lead us through the many corridors. Throughout the walk he explained.

“ what I am about to show you is a prototype I have been working on since the Makuta war”

“how do you know about that?”

“oh I’m sorry, I forgot to mention my name. My name is Algernon. I was a soldier in the war, a technician too, and I’ve been working on a new kind of vehicle, but I never got around to finishing it. So now that I was able to finish them general Boron told me I should give them to you”

“and what exactly are these vehicles”

“you’ll see” Agernon said with a sort of laugh in his voice.“here they are”

We arrived at some sort of garage. He opened the doors and what I saw was amazing. I saw three huge vehicles, each of them different. One of them was sort of boxy, and was green. Another one had three spikes coming out of it, and was red. And the last one had two wing like lades, and was blue. Every single one of us was shocked.

“these three vehicle were made for you so you may reach your next destination faster” Algernon said “there is the Rockoh T3, the Jetrax T6, and the Axalara T9”

“I got dibs on the green one” Visarra said.

We each took one of the vehicles, Visarra took Rockoh T3, Garion took Axalara T9, and I took Jetrax T6. we were all about to leave until a seventeen year old girl walked in.

“dad, you didn’t say you were going to have company over” she said

“what are you doing here, son” Algernon said.

“well I heard a lot of noise so I thought I should…hey is that a spaceship”

She ran up to me. And looked at the vehicle.

“so what are you, some kind of adventurer”

“well I kinda am” I said.

“cool, dad can I go with them”

“no, you can’t it’s too dangerous”

“aw come on dad, I can protect myself”

“NO and that is final”


She started walking towards the door. I saw Garion whispering something into Algernon’s ear. I couldn’t exactly hear what he said, but Algernon called his daughter back.

“ok sweetie, you can go”

“really, oh thank you daddy I’ll be careful I promise”

“I know you will”

She came back armed with a baseball bat, and got on some kind of motorcycle.

So off we went with Algernon’s daughter, who’s name is Cerlia, and we set off towards the next city.



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