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Unexpected Turn Of Events

Lady Kopaka


Sorry for falling off the face of BZP/earth, I've been completely off the computer for the past four days because of being really sick (aka been in the hospital--don't ask), but I'm doing a lot better now.


I'm just chilling and cleaning today, fixing my schedule for studies and everything, hopefully I'll get back on track and start catching up; it will be such a busy week with all those doctor appointments, ick. I'm quite sad that I probably can't enter the Short Story contest. But I do have some art to scan sometime; I'll try to work on that.


I thought I had something else to say, but if I remember I'll update this entry, lol. Hope you guys are doing well, and some advice: please don't have a attitude that your life is unbearable! It can be rough and we all take things differently, take a step back and think about it, so you don’t get drowned in self-pity. There are good things in your life, be positive. As much as I dislike the saying, it's true: remember how much worse it could be in some areas. I didn't recognize this until it was slapped into my face; keep that in mind.


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I'm glad to see that you are back and doing better. ^_^

The last part is some powerful food for thought.

I can't wait until we can see the new art.

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I'm really glad you've started to look at things a little differently now. :) I hope that after most of this stuff, you'll be feeling a little more like yourself again; being sick is tough and can take a lot out of anyone.


Looking forward to seeing more of that art soon, too.

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Yes! Lady K is back! Well, it's good to know that you're feeling better now. Plus, you proved once again, it's hard to get rid of you :)


So, yeah. Welcome back to craziness.

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So happy to hear positive things from you! I hope you can get back on track with schoolwork, art, and all the other things that you've been drawn away from by illness and other yucky life stuff. And I hope you continue having good news for us readers! =D

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Yaaaay you're back! *a dance* Sorry to hear you've been feeling worse, but I'm glad to hear that you've been able to rise past it. You can do anything you put your mind to, LK! Remember that.=)



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Ooh, the hospital?? You worry me. Are you doing any better?

I promise not to let the attitude of life-is-unbearable contaminate me. However, I request you do the same. Sounds like you've had a hard few months. Check out Relient K's song "The Lining Is Silver". It cheers me up.

God bless.



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Aw, glad you're feeling better now - start getting better and being awesome again! :P Strangly, I was feeling sickly during the same time period.


Also pertainent is:

I needed to hear that second part. My attitude the past few days has been dismal, and I've been attributing it to the fact my life sucks. This of course isn't true, but it took hearing it from someone else to really drive the point home; I'm feeling a whole lot better now, and am smiling again.


_thanks from Xenronn

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:happydance: You're alive! (And apparently better). At least things turned out well in the end after all, and you even managed to get a good life lesson from it. (That's lessons something everyone's gotta keep in mind.)
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Way to go, Elle Kay. This entry made me feel really good for you.


Funny how my own life is taking a turn for the better now, too.


This morning, I got up to see the first sunny, clear weather I've seen in what feels like a good long while. I looked at the way the rising sun was lighting up the neighbourhood, so bright and glad to be alive. Then a huge flock of hundreds of seagulls took off and danced in the sky for several minutes, their white feathers flashing in the sun. I was overtaken with emotion at seeing such beauty. I cried and cried, because it seems that while I've been caught up in worry and drudgery, I've been missing out on seeing the things around me for the displays of divinity that they are. :)



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Thank you everyone for the concern and just happy 'nice to see you'; I forget how many people care for me, even if it is just the internet--it's one reason why I love BZP so much, so many people are so friendly and encouraging. Thanks again.


I'm really glad you've started to look at things a little differently now. I hope that after most of this stuff, you'll be feeling a little more like yourself again; being sick is tough and can take a lot out of anyone.

Well, since I was such a hardcore pessimist it's going to take a lot of work to view things differently, but so far I've really been trying--because actually, if anyone didn't know, being optimistic helps your mood in any situation. Now yes, it's okay to be a realist, but don't always expect doom and gloom.


Ooh, the hospital?? You worry me. Are you doing any better?

I promise not to let the attitude of life-is-unbearable contaminate me. However, I request you do the same. Sounds like you've had a hard few months. Check out Relient K's song "The Lining Is Silver". It cheers me up.

God bless.

Yes, much better. Have a lot of doctor visits, but no more hospital. Also, I have that song, it's awesome--I think I'll go listen to it now.


This morning, I got up to see the first sunny, clear weather I've seen in what feels like a good long while. I looked at the way the rising sun was lighting up the neighbourhood, so bright and glad to be alive. Then a huge flock of hundreds of seagulls took off and danced in the sky for several minutes, their white feathers flashing in the sun. I was overtaken with emotion at seeing such beauty. I cried and cried, because it seems that while I've been caught up in worry and drudgery, I've been missing out on seeing the things around me for the displays of divinity that they are.

That was so beautiful--not to sound odd, but just reading that gave me this wonderful vivid image of what you described, and it honestly made myself relax. That's such a good way to see things. We get so blinded by our problems, we miss the good and beautiful stuff that could help us get back on our feet and smile more.

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