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So we've got this really stupid math project on proofs of the Pythagorean Theorem. We're in groups of two and each group has been assigned a proof. Then we have to make a big poster that includes a model and explanation of the proof, a biography of whoever invented the proof, and what Pythagorus' obituary might have been.

Didn't I tell you it was stupid?

Anyways, my partner was sick the class after it was assigned and I was to lazy to do any work on it and it's due tomorrow and we just started today and it's 11:30 pm and I'm incredibly tired.

I also need a decent Mac paint program but the only decent one I've found can't open for some reason. It's the fifth I've tried. I need to find one tonight because I need it for the model.

I could of course just go to bed and get up really really really early tomorrow but that would probably be an even worse idea.

kk I should probably go back to working now.


- :l: :flagcanada:


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Just say that this theorem has been proved thousands of times over thousands of years, and that you really doubt trying to prove it yourself will yield any new results, and if it does you obviously did it wrong, which just goes to show that proofs should only be left to those who are properly equipped to do them.



1. Do the obituary in Greek letters

2. Get points for realism.

3. ???


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I'm not doing the obituary. I left all the really stupid stuff to my partner.

But everything else is yes. Except that we have to present the whole bloody thing to the class and I can't read Greek.

Also, what you said about not yielding any new results also sort of crossed my mind. But I was thinking more along the lines of, "We don't need proofs for it. It works just fine and there's no reason to confuse us."

- :l: :flagcanada:
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But I has now a solution.

I shall walk ten feet to the left of me and press the big shiny silver button on our old PC, which of course has Paint.

Of course it'll take a half hour to boot up by which time I'll probably have fallen asleep, but methinks it's my last hope.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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