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Weekly Update - 10/30

Black Six



Whaddya mean, trick or treat? It's not Halloween yet! Oh fine, I guess I'll give you a little Weekly Update.



If you missed it, check out this topic. Lots of promotions! Yes, I fulfilled on my promise from recent updates! Success! Congrats again guys. Raga and mumu, you'll be missed. Unfortunately things rarely stay the same for long.


If you haven't seen the recent new LEGO Universe screenshot, check it out! Jim Foulds is awesome. (Where's my beta invite Jim?)


The first official Bionicle Stars teaser has appeared. It shouldn't be long until we get some more official info, so keep your eyes peeled.


So, real life has been keeping me really busy as of late, which means no review editing and posting. This weekend maybe? Don't get your hopes up though.


In any event, one thing you can expect this weekend is the next episode of the BZPowercast. I recorded a bunch of stuff with some awesome people today. We're going to have some new hotness in this episode, courtesy of the composer of our theme song. Actually, I don't know if I've ever mentioned who wrote our theme song... Oh well, I'll guess you'll have to listen to the next episode to find out!



1~Do you enjoy/tolerate paying part of the bill for BZPower?

2~Do you often use AIM?

3~Meebo or AIM 6?

4~You play many RTSs?

5~Do you BZP Admins vote on new matters for BZPower, or do you guys just discuss it and Dimensioneer makes the final call?

6~Have you seen all the BZP Admins in real life?

1. There's worse things to spend money on I guess?

2. I'm on AIM just about all the time. If I'm sitting in front of my computer I'm generally on AIM.

3. Adium.

4. Not recently. I played a lot of Warcraft II and Starcraft back in the day (probably before your time...). I still need to beat Halo Wars one of these days...

5. There's not usually any voting, just discussing until we come to a consensus.

6. Nope. I've yet to meet Dimensioneer or Tufi. I never got to meet Mfuss or Ninjo either (former Admins).


1) What's your favorite thing about BZP?

2) Who's your favorite Toa Nuva?

3) Zelda movie or Metroid Movie???

4) Pie?

1. The awesome people.

2. Tahu.

3. Zelda.

4. Cake.


1. Are you going out for Halloween?

1a. If so, what as?

2. Why are/aren't you going out?

3. What are your favorite kinds of candy?

4. What is your least favorite kind of candy?

5. What is your favorite Halloween costume you've ever had?

6. What costume do you wish you could have?

7. On a scale from 1 to 10, how worried are you about H1N1?

1. Probably not.

2. Too much work to do/not enough motivation.

3. Things involving chocolate. I usually stay away from the nuts though.

4. Almond Joy and Mounds. I'm not a fan of coconut.

5. As I previously mentioned, I'm a Warcraft fan. One year I went as a mage from Warcraft 2.

6. MJOLNIR Mark V armor, no question.

7. H1N1? More like H1NFUN! I'd say a 2.


Want to see your questions answered? PM them to me and put 'Mailbag' in the subject line. I'll pick the few I like the best and answer them in the next update.



Ok, so that's it for this week. What, you want more? That's it, get off my lawn you whippersnappers!


As always, questions, comments, and feedback are appreciated. Enjoy Free Candy Day!


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