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I Wanna Be An Undercover Agent!



I was just dinking around through some of my old electronic story idea notes when I came upon this gag. The story it was supposed to go in isn't really that good, but I still thought this gag was funny, so why not post it here and get a few cheep laughs?




That was a rhetorical question. Read below...




"Okay, I'm trying to date this girl, but she's a secret CIA agent, and I told her that I'm also an undercover agent. But I haven't quite worked out the details yet. That's where I need your help."

"I guess we need to figure out who you're affiliated with. You probably wouldn't be with the US, or her superiors will figure out that you're a fraud."

"How about if I'm Canadian?"

"Canada doesn't have any special forces."

"I could be British." *ahem* "I'll have a martini; shaken, not stirred."

"No, you're not James Bond."

"Brazil? My Spanish isn't that bad."

"They speak Portuguese, so no."


"You're not Russian."


"You're not Japanese."

"Saudi Arabia?"

"Probably not a good idea."


"Wait, that could work. Okay, so first you're going to need to adapt an Australian accent, and you're going to need a strong affiliation with Koalas."

"... No."

"Just go with private practice, then."




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"...a strong affiliation with Koalas." This made me both lol and go "O.o"... However, the laughing is partially because of the time. I should probably be off to bed soon...

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What agency does James Bond work for exactly. Because I'm pretty sure neither MI5 or MI6 have the funding to keep him going. All those martinis alone must cost a fortune, never mind the gadgets and covering up after his high-octane, none-too-subtle exploits

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:kaukau:I could see this making an interesting comedy. One of those types where you want to leave the room or close your eyes and avoid the embarrassing parts where the main character does something too stupid to handle. You know, like Confessions of a Shopaholic. I hardly made it through the movie. Same with My Super Ex-Girlfriend.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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