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Start A Bolg, Lose A Journal (or) Pointsettias

Soaring Strawberry


Background music: "Christmas Moods" (CD, 1998)


My specialist's office called and told me that I do not have an infection. I'm not sick, this is part of a life long medical issue. I was going to note it in my journal, but it has vanished! I'm not worried, it'll turn up eventually. :rolleyes:


Anyway, the Christmas season is arriving! Here, it isn't heralded by 90% off sales at the mall or the fact that Thanksgiving is over.


The Pointsettias are here.


Every year, the Boy Scout Troop that my Dad and my brother, the Omnscient Voice (until he got his Eagle) have a Pointsettia fundraiser, and last year my (Rainbow) Assembly started the same. My parents are in charge of purchasing and storing the plants, and for the second year I went with them.


We went to a local nursery, where seas of red float under white domes. Canals of pink and white are in another dome, with huge baskets hanging above. I chose a Jingle Bells, with red flowers speckled with pink (if it's white spots we call it "Glitter"). My mom's faveorite is the Christmas Rose, because the petals fold and curl to resemble a rose.


Then my mom and I went clothes shopping at Khol's. I needed pants w/o elastic that fit me: my waist is too small for rear, so if I try to wear low-riders, you will find "A gap large enough to store a purse" (Mom) :sarcastic: Fortunately, we found something that shrunk enough in the wash. While we were at it, we also bought a blue hoodie.


Comments welcome. :)

Gali Nuva Girl


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