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Because I Think It Should Be Addressed Again



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So I was going through stuff on my computer, and I came across an old MSWord document that had this blog entry by Primus.


Now, I don't expect everyone to write a paragraph about the MOC, but when you review it, include detail, be specific about what you want changed. And don't use number ratings. I know, some of you will say "But Primus, you used number ratings." That's true, I did. And I regret it. But I always had a longer comment about the MOC with my number rating, instead of "ZOMG, Awesome! 10.32843284/1.190192823!1!11!1!"


Just because BZPower is a forum for children doesn't mean that we have to act like children when we post. I don't expect a complex vocabulary, on the contrary, sometimes that makes you seem even more childish. I just expect you to say what you like about the MOC, what you don't like, how they can improve, something about the MOC. Be specific, be helpful, be courteous. And don't spam.




Those really are words of truth. Especially the bolded parts.


On another note, I like how whenever there's a BBC Contest so many people have banners over the size limits. It makes it easy to find sigs to report.




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I like how whenever there's a BBC Contest so many people have banners over the size limits. It makes it easy to find sigs to report.


I prefer to call it... "Hunting Season". :evilgrin:

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One thing that I always disagree about is this:

No number ratings.

That's absurd. You can give a nice, constructive, helpful review, and then give a number rating to quickly sum it up. It's not as if it ruins it.

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I find number ratings somewhat offending. I mean, there is worse people can do, but how in the world can a person rate a piece of art? On what standard are they doing it by? It feels like I'm being graded for school or something.


I very much agree with this though.

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I find number ratings somewhat offending. I mean, there is worse people can do, but how in the world can a person rate a piece of art? On what standard are they doing it by? It feels like I'm being graded for school or something.


I very much agree with this though.

A good review is a precise, specific review. Not to mention helpful. However, a number rating gives a big, albeit blurry picture. It actually tells you how good it is, not just why it is or how it could be.

I'm not saying. Great, 8.5/10! is a good review. Actually, it would be spam. A number rating should only be used to finish something. The standard and why you got the rating is the rest of the review.

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A good review is a precise, specific review. Not to mention helpful. However, a number rating gives a big, albeit blurry picture. It actually tells you how good it is, not just why it is or how it could be.

I'm not saying. Great, 8.5/10! is a good review. Actually, it would be spam. A number rating should only be used to finish something. The standard and why you got the rating is the rest of the review.

I'm going to have to agree with Lady K. It sounds a lot like you're being graded, not being given advice on how to get better.


And, pushing that aside, number ratings are so often not done correctly. I've only seen a few reviews out of the thousands I've seen that use number ratings properly.



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I like how whenever there's a BBC Contest so many people have banners over the size limits. It makes it easy to find sigs to report.


I prefer to call it... "Hunting Season". :evilgrin:

Which raises the question, do sigs taste nice roasted like ducks?

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very well said, but my opinion is just than people are trying to inflate his/her post count. If post count is out of th way in BBC, spam wouldn't be much of an problem.


~Blue Dragon~

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A good review is a precise, specific review. Not to mention helpful. However, a number rating gives a big, albeit blurry picture. It actually tells you how good it is, not just why it is or how it could be.

I'm not saying. Great, 8.5/10! is a good review. Actually, it would be spam. A number rating should only be used to finish something. The standard and why you got the rating is the rest of the review.

I'm going to have to agree with Lady K. It sounds a lot like you're being graded, not being given advice on how to get better.


And, pushing that aside, number ratings are so often not done correctly. I've only seen a few reviews out of the thousands I've seen that use number ratings properly.



But isn't it both?


I'm gonna say, "You should not have given that one foot fifty studs while leaving the other a regular inika foot" and then go on to say what I feel about it--such as "This was alright, I suppose. 7/10."

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Number ratings should be applied to games and perhaps movies, but that's pretty much it. The only reason why is because for number ratings you have to have a standard to set in order 'grade.' There is no standard for MoCing, therefore there should be no number ratings. However, if that's how people want to do their reviews, then that's how they'll do their reviews;; it's just not a reliable system for this application.
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very well said, but my opinion is just than people are trying to inflate his/her post count. If post count is out of th way in BBC, spam wouldn't be much of an problem.


~Blue Dragon~

If posts didn't count in BBC an already low volume forum would get even fewer posts. I agree there are some people who just want to inflate their post count, but just because some people are doing that doesn't everyone is.



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