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A Few Things

Tifosi 92


Just a heap of random updates because I haven't said anything here in a while:


-I highly suggest that you check these two blog entries out. They address a few things that I think BZPers have been ignoring as of late. I'd write something like those two highly intelligible members have, but I'd just be repeating them and therefore wasting my time.


-It's that BBCC time again, in which most members seem to disregard a few guidelines. I'd specifically point you to this one.


-So, nine days into NaNo, and I haven't written anything yet. Sort of depressing, as I have a bunch of ideas and this one story that I've been meaning to get down for ages, but haven't had the time to yet. Curse you, block of the writer. Not really asking for encouragement, just making this fact publicly available so that I'll be motivated to write after everyone sees I've done nothing. :P


-I haven't been very active in the forums lately for a variety of reasons. I'd like to participate much more, but I'm just too busy with a bunch of different things that are of a higher priority and require my attention.


-Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 realeases tomorrow, and I couldn't care less. :D


-I can't wait for the results of the third part of the Short Stories Autumn Olympics, even though I'm very doubtful I did well. :P


-Discussing Formula One is like discussing politics--if some people don't see it the way you do, they'll always be on the other side of the fence and there's nothing you can do about it.


-Island of Doom has taken somewhat of a backseat to other projects as of late. The release date may end up being switched to sometime early next year rather than within the coming weeks.


-On a somewhat lighter note, I've been abnoramlly hooked on Mario games lately. I'm finally coming close to finishing Super Mario Galaxy some two or three years past its release, and if I'm playing any game it all, it's usually either that or Mario Kart. Ah, Nintendo... you've done it again. :P


And that's all. How's everybody been going?


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Stop what you're doing. Exit BZPower. Open MSWord.




But, seriously. I know exactly how you feel; Writers' Block has killed me so, so many times. It's what all Writers have to struggle with, and you just gotta push through it. My suggestion is to write down your notes. Start an outline of what's going to happen if you need to. And, just write. Even if it sucks, just write and keep writing.


Which, unfortunately, is one of the reasons I'm not entering the NaNoWriMo -- or at least not the main thing ['cause I hear there's smaller ones that are like 9,000 words or something... gotta look into that] -- I just don't have the willpower to do that sometimes. One moment I'll be able to force the words out of my hands, and the next I'm just too distracted. Now, that's not my main reason for not joining, but it is one of the reasons. The main reason is that I have nothing to write.


But, anyway, just try to force yourself to write. Close the internet if you have to, and just type. Even if it doesn't make sense. You know those writing exercises where you just sit for fifteen minutes or so and just write whatever comes to your mind? Basically do that, but try to keep a basic storyline. That's the only way I can imagine ever writing 50,000 words in a month with school and other things.


Good luck! If you ever need an opinion on something, just let me know; I'm here.



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Pretty much what Velox said. Sometimes it's just good to FORCE yourself to write, even though it may not sound good at first. Just write. Do fifteen minute a day practice, try something new, brainstorm.


I'm doing good! Are you excited for the end of November??

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Stop what you're doing. Exit BZPower. Open MSWord.




But, seriously. I know exactly how you feel; Writers' Block has killed me so, so many times. It's what all Writers have to struggle with, and you just gotta push through it. My suggestion is to write down your notes. Start an outline of what's going to happen if you need to. And, just write. Even if it sucks, just write and keep writing.


Which, unfortunately, is one of the reasons I'm not entering the NaNoWriMo -- or at least not the main thing ['cause I hear there's smaller ones that are like 9,000 words or something... gotta look into that] -- I just don't have the willpower to do that sometimes. One moment I'll be able to force the words out of my hands, and the next I'm just too distracted. Now, that's not my main reason for not joining, but it is one of the reasons. The main reason is that I have nothing to write.


But, anyway, just try to force yourself to write. Close the internet if you have to, and just type. Even if it doesn't make sense. You know those writing exercises where you just sit for fifteen minutes or so and just write whatever comes to your mind? Basically do that, but try to keep a basic storyline. That's the only way I can imagine ever writing 50,000 words in a month with school and other things.


Good luck! If you ever need an opinion on something, just let me know; I'm here.




I guess I'm a big hypocrite when it comes to that--I need to take the advice I gave Nuju and get it over with. :P I just need that kick start that would get me going, I suppose.


I'm not really an outline person, actually. I go along more with GregF's style, to be honest--I want to be surprised with what I write. And besides, whenever I've worked with outlines, it usually just takes all my motivation away because I've already put some of my thought into form. I doesn't motivate me, it does the opposite; my mind says that I've already put this into words, and then I'm not excited to rewrite it at all.


I do those types of exercises a lot (or at least I should be :P), and they are helpful. I don't think shutting off my internet would help very much at all--I've got too many ties to other things with it that would make it a very distressing situation if I had to cut it off for a week. *lol*


Pretty much what Velox said. Sometimes it's just good to FORCE yourself to write, even though it may not sound good at first. Just write. Do fifteen minute a day practice, try something new, brainstorm.


I'm doing good! Are you excited for the end of November??


I'm going to try to get started on it tonight, though I have no idea how far I'll get. :P Besides being a little behind on some recent school stuff, I'm not doing too bad.


As for the end of November? I can't wait for it. At this point, I'm almost more excited about it than Christmas. :)

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