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Memento Mori

Lady Kopaka


It's out!!!




Twenty lovely tracks are all mine! I love you Amazon MP3 for being so reliable and cheap.


Go get this album. It is the best of the year.




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20 tracks? Nice.


I had intended to get it today, but I ended up finding and getting another (rarer) CD instead... I halfway regret that, because I had been looking forward to getting Memento Mori on its release date all year.


I've read positive reviews for it, and hopefully I'll be able to get it as soon as possible.

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Guest kopakanuva13


Eh, once I get "The Resistance" and "brand new eyes". Why must all the awesome artists release all their new CDs within the same couple of months? D:

But yeah, the songs from MM I've heard so far are pretty amazing <3


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At first, I thought you were talking about that kill satellite from Gundam 00.


And was all "LK draws sculptures and structures!? =D"


Now I'm all let down. ._;



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YAY!!!! more Flyleaf Fans!!!!!


and I agree, from what I've heard (Arise, Again, Beautiful Bride, and Missing) this is one of the best records of the year!(and 2009 had a lot of them) I kinda want a hard copy, so I'll see when I'm going to get it. It might not be for a while.


Why must all the awesome artists release all their new CDs within the same couple of months?


It's a conspiracy to keep our pockets low on cash.

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I've read positive reviews for it, and hopefully I'll be able to get it as soon as possible.

It's very good. Part of me wants to say the first is better because it's just the original, but I think I got too attached to it (it's one of those few albums I can listen to over and over and never get tired of it); so this new album is amazing.


Eh, once I get "The Resistance" and "brand new eyes". Why must all the awesome artists release all their new CDs within the same couple of months? D:

Agh, I know! It was like, all my favorite bands decided to release all in 2009. There's still like six+ albums I want to get.


Now I'm all let down. ._;

Aw, I'm sorry!


and I agree, from what I've heard (Arise, Again, Beautiful Bride, and Missing) this is one of the best records of the year!(and 2009 had a lot of them) I kinda want a hard copy, so I'll see when I'm going to get it. It might not be for a while.

Yeah, I always try to get the hard copy because it's better IMO (cd/case/etc), but this was an Amazon MP3 exclusive. This two disc version was over fourteen dollars if I wanted to buy it, and I didn't have enough money. So I went ahead and bought the downloadable version for about $9.

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^Yes, yes it does. Cheerful, ain't it? :P ^


I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been listening to it nonstop since yesterday, and particularly like "Beautiful Bride" and "Treasure". Strangly, though, my album only has nineteen songs. Maybe 'cause I got it from the Zune store, not an actual CD. Oh, well. It's still awesome.



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You're probably going to kill me for saying this, but I have never heard of this band before.

Nah I won't; but they're a very cool band. One of my favorites.


Let me see if I can remember, doesn't Memento Mori mean "Remember you will die"?



I GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I've been listening to it nonstop since yesterday, and particularly like "Beautiful Bride" and "Treasure". Strangly, though, my album only has nineteen songs. Maybe 'cause I got it from the Zune store, not an actual CD. Oh, well. It's still awesome.

I didn't get the actual CD either, I got it from Amazon MP3. Oh and typo actually, I got twenty-two tracks. Those extras were exclusives.


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Aaaaah I knew there was discussion about this somewhere.


Amazing album <3. Truly. The second CD is somewhat lackluster (Break Your Knees and Enemy are good, but Have We Lost and Who Am I are kinda meh), but the rest of it is fantastic. I got the iTunes version, so that means the two bonus tracks (Stay, the U2 cover, and Bitter Sweet, which are both really good).

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