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The conspiracy is in full effect... I mean, uh, um, "Generic, friendly, inconspicuous statement from a perfectly sane man"?


Okay, I have no idea what I was talking about. But you know what kind of person I hate? Obnoxious, snobby, rude optimists(emphasis on optimist). They're always being so sappy and gullible, I want to make creative use of my baseball bat. So many of them are always pushing their beliefs on me, or ragging on me just for keeping a skeptical eye open, or being cynical, because I'm a pessimistic, unnervingly mellow, sensible person. Is it me or do those sort of self-righteous ##### hate rational, logical and balanced analysis of situations instead of blindly praying and following the lead sheep? So anyways, I hate the snobbish kind of optimists. Have you noticed they seem to thinlk everything will be okay if they just deride and/or kill anything that disagrees with them? Once upon a time, something called the Crusades took place because of that. Not that I'm insulting religion, don't get me wrong. I'm just talking about how blind faith, overbelief, and such is bad for the world.


I'm always getting picked on for being two things: I'm the tall, sullen guy who is easy to blame for anything because he has an automatic 'I hate you all' face on his face 24/7 (no, really, I have an unfriendly sort of look that I don't mean to use but I do) and that I'm different. I'm not a follower, I'm a strayer. I'm strange, I don't fit in with most people (I have friends), I don't follow status quo, I'm an outcast, I read more and know more and they don't understand what I do, I am an unfamiliar thing to them. So I'm a target. I deal with insults, threats, taunts, rejection, I take the brunt of it and have to keep calm. There are people who don't share my view that people have a right to their opinions, that different isn't wrong, that our current state of world is deteriorating, and a lot of other things.


The optimists always say they're the friendly, nice ones, and that people like me are #####, but they're always bashing me. They aren't worth the air they waste. There are nice optimists who I can get along with, but the self-righteous snobby ones I absolutely abhor.



Don't use this to know how to push my buttons. And don't say anything rude when you comment. I've needed to let this out, and I've kept it as clean and nice as possible, because I don't think there's anybody here who fits my description, but I don't want to offend you, so my apologies if I have. Go on, comment...


Do it...


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Uh...wow that kitten... I'm glad I don't live near near apartment buildings or anywhere with lots of kittens and tall buildings, for that matter. :fear:

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