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I Blew It.



Guys, I blew it.


I killed my microwave!


It started with a burning cookie. I managed to warm it up the last time till it was soft and chewy, I still have no idea why that cookie smoked so much. I smelt the burning smell, turned around, and saw smoke in my dorm room.


Cursing and swearing, I turned the timer off, opened the microwave (to more smoke), and disposed the cookie down the toilet bowl (attached bathroom, neh). I stuffed my jackets in the door gap to keep the smoke in so no one would notice, but there were people already milling around outside, muttering about something burning.


I opened up the bathroom window and opened the door, easiest window to open. I struggled with the window in my dorm room - big and heavy. I grabbed dryer sheets and stuffed them behind the fan to start filtering and catching the smoke, and directing the fan at the window, hoping it'd blow air out and make some current.


I opened the microwave door again and tried to fan as much of it away. I smelt acrid smoke, acid-like smoke, and I was thinking 'Please, smoke detector, don't go off!'


Being the only one in the room had its advantages. No one else knew about this except me - for now. That gave me time to fix the problem before anyone called the fire brigade. I started trying to clean the microwave out by hauling out the glass disc and rollers and putting them into the sink, then throwing in a dryer sheet before reminding myself that it was too weak. I grabbed the CVS Odor-Absorbing Gel and hoped for a miracle as I tossed that in.


With the air starting to clear, and me feeling all giddy from the smoke, I then had mind to go on the Internet about how to get rid of the foul smell in the microwave. Only lemons, white vinegar and baking soda were good options to me then. I called up my roommate and warned her of the situation and giving her the task to grab said lifesavers.


I then did my best to clean out the microwave - scrubbed it with normal dishwashing detergent. No help at all. I took some Clorox Disinfecting Wipes - strong stuff - and wiped it down, but still no help at all. Roommate came back and I tried my best with cut lemons in water into the microwave, and putting cups of baking soda around the room.


As I finally got some rest and waited for things to 'cool down', I heard zapping sounds coming from the microwave.


'Do you hear that?' My roommate asked.


The microwave stopped.


And it died.



(And I haven't gone into all the cleaning that there is to do - every article in the room smells of smoke, especially the bedsheets and exposed clothes in the bathroom. I'm washing them, but it's an arduous task. Roommate's being no help - just lying on her bed, surfing the internet.)



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Huh boy, what a mess. Life is learning. :D


I haven't had a microwave since I've lived on my own. Haven't missed it, either. I'm convinced that microwaving is a violent, unnatural way to heat food. ^.^



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BCii: I agree, but if you want hot food in a dormitory, it's either the dirty kitchen or your own microwave. :S I don't dare cook with spilled spaghetti sauce, cup noodle cups and all sorts of junk around me!



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