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Moo Noon



Like, HI! My name is BELLA and I'm a SPECIAL and UNIQUE snowflake and I'm SO pretty and nerds are so LAME! Also, all the TEACHERS and STUDENTS at school think I'm SOOO awesome!


Hi. I am Edward and I am a vampire. I have no personality and you and I are devoid of any kind of actual chemistry.


Ooo, you're PRETTY! We should be in LOVE! Let us FROLIC!




*rainbows and puppies*


*also sparkling*



I lit the book on fire but I don't think that did the trick.


I can feel it...watching...


Look, would you please just come over and exorcise the thing?






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Be extremely grateful that you aren't currently in Australia. The blasted thing is EVERYWHERE around here. I didn't realise that most of Australia's population consists of vapid teenage girls or vapid middleaged housewives. It's on my mobile when I check the news during the day, it's in our newspapers, it's all over our news and current affairs programs, it's all over our bookstores...


halp D=

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Ah, touché. Looks like we need somewhere to escape to. Where within reason do you suppose they haven't heard of Twilight/generally absolutely hate it?

Maybe the Crozet Islands of the Indian Ocean, which are the farthest land masses from Forks. I was going to suggest some ultraradical feminist college, but then I noticed you said "within reason."

My gosh, you bought/let the book into your house!? You deserve what's coming for you! :angry:

I was transcribing from a webcomic.

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Twilight is like the game; if you think about it, you've already lost. Only it's a much worst lost; instead of just loosing the game, you lose your soul, dignity, sanity, and will to live.


Worst, the "New Moon" has totally ruined the image of lunar enthusiasts. That is why, whenever I hear reference to it, I immediately begin humming Duran Duran's "New Moon on Monday" and am instantly satisfied.



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I picked up a copy of the third one, opened to a random page, and attempted to read the first scentence aloud to my classmates. I didn't stop laughing for ten minutes.

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If anything, Twilight has strengthened my will to live even further, that I may write snarky letters to the newspaper and so on.
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I wans sparkly vampire babies that will break my spine when I give birth! That's so beautiful!



I'm slightly disturbed to hear you saying that, but lol.


"What kind of vampires are you? YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE FANGS!"





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By burning it you released the evil spirits.






Merely put it in a heavy metal safe and dump it in an oceanic trench.



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From what I hear, the Sparklepires in The-Word-Conglomeration-Not-Befitting-The-Title-Of-Book don't even BITE people. Using logic, this means that WEREWOLVES are more vampric than the Sparklepires!

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I wans sparkly vampire babies that will break my spine when I give birth! That's so beautiful!



I'm slightly disturbed to hear you saying that, but lol.



Which is why I said it...lol ;P


One of my friends said they were seeing New Moon at midnight and I said "Nooooooooooooo! Where's your Harry Potter pride/loyalty!??!!?"

No response though. :(



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But then the Decepticons can get at it. D:

No-one cares if they suffer. They've taken so much worse than this. :P

Not so sure about that, Dlaks. =P


I would say fire is a natural element and as such can kill vampires


But then I remembered we're talking about Twilight


So I laugh and listen to Dracula's Castle by Michiru Yamane and all is well.



I will say this though. I feel bad for Robert Pattinson now that I know he detests Twilight, too.



Actually here





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The whole Twilight phenomenon just strikes me as one more incredibly bizarre data point on the ever-escalating graph of bizarre signs of the times. People are literally losing their minds. :uhuh:


The less I think about it, the better I feel.



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I love you Arpy.


Just a couple things I'd like to bash about Twilight:

Vampires are hardcore Goths.

Edward is a I like puppy dogs preppy, and I mean no offense toward preppies. Just pointing out the contrast.


Edward has nothing in common with a vampire but that he ingests human fluid. (and not even that...)

Therefore, following all of my reasoning skills, Edward is a sparkly ZOMBIE.

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