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Or something. Today was interesting.


After literally dragging myself out of bed this morning (I kept falling back asleep for a couple minutes at a time, probably because my body was reluctant to end the most sleep it had had in the last four days (I was formerly running at five a night due to combinations of homework, NaNo, and my evil 5:30 pool shift)), I went to my morning shift, which was all kinds of fun. First my supervisor got there twenty minutes late, so I had to rush like crazy to open the pool because she had the keys to the building, then one of the covers utterly refused to go up all the way so I had to crumple it up on the side of the pool because people were coming in. Then I was mostly bored because none of the kids were misbehaving, then my supervisor asked if I could take a shift for her that ended right before my play, and I assented (this is foreshadowing right here).


After my shift ended I went home for lunch, a shower, and NaNo (did not meet my quota D:), then back to work another couple hours. I was at the top of the water slide when I heard someone give three blasts on the whistle. This is highly bad. So I helped clear the pool and chivvy all the patrons out while two of the other guards, who had got to the scene first, went to help this woman who had fainted and/or had a seizure in the sauna. She turned out to be okay after a bit, and 911 peoples arrived to make doubly sure. I think some of us might have detoured from the recommended procedure for this sort of thing, but hopefully there won't be any backlash. I think it went as smoothly as could be expected.


So after that shift plus paperwork I had to go straight to my play, where I drank a Mountain Dew right before curtain (an imaginary curtain, actually) because I felt I would need GRATUITOUS AMOUNTS OF ENERGY in case the audience was as bad as it was last night. You see, after preview night Thursday, to which we invited our friends for free, we were kind of expecting that subsequent audiences would laugh as loudly and often as the preview crowd had. Well, Friday night Mrs. Dolly Gallagher Levi joked that the heat some of us were feeling onstage was from the cooling corpses in the audience. In my case, it was more due to crouching under an uncomfortable table, but regardless, the people (including some of my family members, who I later found had been repressing their laughter because heaven forbid I should get distracted or recognize them!) did not reciprocate our energy much. Anyway, tonight was much better, and we drew in quite a good crowd for only the second night of being open to the public. They still didn't laugh as much as Thursday's crowd (but let's face it, friends are more apt than strangers to laugh at the sight of someone they know pretending to be a girl (perfectly honest business)), but they did seem to be smiling rather a lot so it was all very good and well.


I don't know if I'll ever get tired of Rudolph's French melodramatics. I had trouble keeping a straight face tonight, and it was lucky I was offstage when Malachi and the cabman greeted Mr. Vandergelder/Vanderschmelder/Schmeller in the last act. It shall be interesting to see how everything (d)evolves by the end of our run. Ain't acting great? 8D


Umm, there was something else I wanted to share/rant about but OH MAJORS. I will do that later. For now I would like to sleep.


mood: content


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...Yeah, I'll stop now. Also, that actually sounds like quite the horrendous day.

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