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Sitting in a bus, for twenty extra minutes, having just been beaten the karz out of via playing a hockey goalie, then walking half a mile home in forty degree weather with a T-shirt, coming home just to have to put up with a little sister who started to throw things around and make a scene does not make for a happy Spink.


I am cold. I am wet with sweat. I have assignments. And I feel miserable.


This is why I hate Mondays.


On another note, I've been recently informed that for Thanksgiving, it's just going to be me, my mother and my sister.


And I was so excited to see the family again. T.T


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The walk from Colorado to Oregon can't be too bad. Plenty room at the table here. :P


And awww, cheer up, Spinky. When I was your age, I had to ride on a horse-drawn wagon. In the ruts. With just a cinder block for a seat. For two extra hours. And I had to walk. For 45 minutes. In the snow. Barefoot. Uphill. Both ways.


You've got it easy, kid.





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Today I had a long fencing meet so I was out, and it's already dark, and it's raining when I don't have a hood or umbrella, and my train took forever to get to the station. And math homework. D:


My Thanksgivings are never fun. All my awesome relatives are in Europe. ;_;

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Oh wow. I would have been really excited if it was just my mom, my sisters, and I. I really hate my cousins. lol They don't add much, don't hold same views as me (thus angering me), and generally just make it awkward and annoying.



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I for one am neutral on the concept of seeing my family - I see them all the time. Granted I am glad to be getting together, but at the same time, it's not like we never do so anyways. =\


Also I think Spink needs a hug



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