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Am I The Only One...

Lady Kopaka


...that's happy about this recent news?


I mean, I'll miss the sets. But I haven't been able to afford sets for years, anyway...I was always into the storyline. With this though, I'm quite content. Bionicle won't be held back by the sets, so maybe there's a good chance Bionicle can be flipped around so we can go back to that awesome mysterious, compelling story and characters. I haven't been very picky over the years, and I have enjoyed this series as well, but lately it's been way too confusing and rushed. This should be great for us older audiences too, maybe.


Yep, quite happy indeed!


This is making me more excited about a comic I have planned for sometime next year.


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I'm not happy about BIONICLE ending, but I am happy about the consequences.

  • Easier on my budget.
  • Presumably a satisfactory conclusion (at least, to the story pertaining to Mata Nui).
  • More screen time to potentially legitimize some of the recent fan-suggested details.
  • Less set incarnations means possibly more "free interpretation"-- thus, might be a creative pique for the creatively-challenged like me.

Hope these hopes and expectations aren't disappointed! But of course, we've still got at least a half a year till we can really say we saw it through to the end!

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This is off topic, but I just want to let Lady Kopaka know that out of my two pages' worth of favourited BZblogs, hers is the third most rated, following GregF and Binkmeister. That is some massive popularity. ^_^



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I am completely of the same opinion. I'm glad that we can finally focus on the story now.


The only thing I'll really miss is the collectables. They make great jewelry, especially Zamors.

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I'm not sure I'm excited about this YET, but then maybe that's just because this line was a part of my life for so long - I don't do well with change. On the plus side though, like you said, we won't be hindered by the sets anymore. I was admittently clinging to a false hope that more sets that were .... well, made properly would come out. Guess that's not a worry anymore? :P

Now we can really kick things up, I think. The fanbase will be pretty much an online community next year, since no sets will be selling. If BZP turns out to be the hub of that, then our members will pretty much be the main idea/inspirers/"creators" of the non-canon (and heck, maybe some actual canon) stuff about the story.

It's.... Sort of like a rebirth of the series, only more in the fans' hands, I think. Should be interesting.



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