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All Good Things Must Come To An End; The Bad Ones Just Go On Forever . . .

Little Miss Krahka


Of course, all you BZPers are well aware of this recent news, and if not, will be for the next hundred million years probably.


It's kinda odd. I mean, we still haven't gotten any news of a new Elder Scrolls game but considering how disappointing Oblivion was it'll probably break my heart and considering how terrible the Elder Scrolls novels are looking, they'll definitely break my heart, the KotOR comics are ending, The Old Republic's probably gonna be awful and I probably won't have time to play it . . .


All my classic fandoms are just kinda fading away. I mean, I spent pretty much the past seven-some-at-least years of my life on Bionicle, Morrowind and Star Wars. I mean, not exclusively, of course, but it was a fair amount of time, and it was time that, for the most part, I don't regret. For all that people are complaining about how Bionicle's gotten worse over the years, '09 still kept more of the decent spirit of '01 than Oblivion kept the spirit of Morrowind. Let's not even talk about Star Wars. Clone Wars anyone? Bleechhhhhhhh. Yeah.


I've kinda been expecting this day since 2001, and was honestly surprised that it went on for another year, and then another after that. There've been "BIONICLE ENDING?" topics since the beginning, and I don't really care. My plan has been the same. Do whatever I feel like.


What really matters to me is that I've met some truly wonderful people here. No matter what happens in the future of Bionicle, of Lego, of the world, I hope that the future of your life will be brighter than you can even imagine. (In a non-nuclear apocalypse sense.)


I don't really have the energy to get excessively nostalgic about all this in a completely coherent fashion right now. The past 48 hours have been one long line of Horrible to the point where I really can't feel sad about my childhood ending or whatever whatever. Three cheers for four hour panic attacks and getting No Hours of sleep last night!



Please don't wake me from this, my golden slumber

I am proud to be a part of this number!


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Bad Things go on forever so that we can tell the Good Things apart.


If it is of any consolation, there aren't a whole lotta people out there that can apply Capital Initial Letters quite the way you do when you wish to get a poignant point across.

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I've kinda been expecting this day since 2001, and was honestly surprised that it went on for another year, and then another after that. There've been "BIONICLE ENDING?" topics since the beginning, and I don't really care. My plan has been the same. Do whatever I feel like.

That is true wisdom right there.


What really matters to me is that I've met some truly wonderful people here. No matter what happens in the future of Bionicle, of Lego, of the world, I hope that the future of your life will be brighter than you can even imagine. (In a non-nuclear apocalypse sense.)

I hear ya. Feelin' the same way. ^_^


Hmmm. Four-hour panic attack? Can't say as I've had the misfortune meself, but I did just spend a quite dreadfully glorious sleepless night in which I managed to catch a whiff of a foretaste of Infinite Love. So it's not all bad, dearie.



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