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My Current Plans For A Kanohi Collection Wall Display



Hi everyone,

I recently bought a whole lot of parts online to build a Kanohi wall display for my full Kanohi Mata collection.

I bought an extra large 48x48 baseplate to build the display on, then I got 72 of the 2x1 bricks with the axle hole in the middle, and 72 3-length axles, 72 heads and 72 eyes, 12 of each eye colour.

I pretty much attach a mask to the head and eye piece, attach that to an axle, which then get's attached to the brick before finally being attached to the baseplate.


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Hey, that sounds really cool. Make sure to post picts of it eventually. ;)


I'm still trying to complete my original 36 Toa Mata mask collection, much less getting all 72...



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Sick! But how are you gonna mount it?

I'm not sure, I might either use mounting tape, or I could drill a hole in the base plate and hook it on the wall. I think the former will be easier.

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