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Goodbye Bzp

MT Zehvor


Well, for a little while, at least.


Due to my genius brother pouring water on the computer, our computer at home is now broken and that means that I won't be on regularly for quite some time. At the very latest, we should have a new one just before Christmas, and I honestly don't expect it to take that long, but it'll be more than a week for sure.


That said, Sonu takes over as temporary leader of the Zehvor. I don't think we ever had a vote to see who would be third in command, so Brenmac will be deputy for now. Dakama and TA are also presiding officers. Lev can help out with that too if he ever comes back.




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Lol no. Quite honestly, I knew about that for the past...3 or 4 months? I think I posted a topic about it a really long time back but it got closed. Ah well.


As long as BZP is here, I'll be here. It'll just be not so often for the next month or so.



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Your brother is a little weird. First I hear him bashing his head against a wall to relieve head trauma, now I hear him pouring water onto a computer. What was he trying to accomplish anyways?


Either way, I won't let you down MT! Wait...I'll have to let you down a little. I'm going to vist my cousins, aunt, and grandmother in Boston in a few hours. Don't worry though, I should be back by Friday. Bye guys.


See you all soon!


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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I hear him bashing his head against a wall to relieve head trauma


Is there something wrong with that? :P


Lovely. As soon as I have time to get on, MT disappears. That is extremely lovely. [/sarcasm]


-Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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Unlike some people *coughBrenmaccough*


Ha ha, Sonu. No, I'm not back early, My cousin just has a computer in her office.


And Levacius, I think bashing your head against the relieve head trauma would only make it worse.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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