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My Thanksgiving was quite nice.


I didn't go to my grandfather's house with the rest of my family because I had to work, but this was totally all right because it meant I could sleep in, eat ice cream, write my novel, and not have to be trapped in a van for hours with about nine other people. I might have been content to just stay at home until work, but the parents of two of my friends felt sorry for me or something and invited me over for lunch/dinner, never mind that both of those friends are currently in Wisconsin. So I went over and massacred a Cornish game hen (or else a very small turkey) and some other food, and talked about Star Trek and whatnot (the dad is at least as much of a trekkie as I am), then chatted with one of said friends via the telephone for a bit. Work was really excellent tonight, because not only did I get to leave early, but one of my coworkers brought this splendid Indonesian dish with fried fish and vegetables and a delicious peanut sauce sort of thing. Om. Nom. Nom.


I'm thankful for a lot of things in addition to the occurrences of today, including God (replace with Xenu, Cthulhu, blind fate, Q, Thor, chance, Unicron, Mother Nature, or the Flying Spaghetti Monster as you like so as not to be offended), all the good things he (or it/she, see above) has done in my life and the good that has been brought from the bad, my family and friends, Catholic girls and girls in general (they are very pretty), my jobs, my edumacation, being able to travel and attend awesome conventions and the like, music, my new computer and all the other material things I often take for granted, and the internets. I hope you are too. 8:) <--[behold! the Dr. Horrible smiley!]


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Well Canadian Thanksgiving is in freaking October and we didn't celebrate anyway, but hypothetically if Canadian Thanksgiving was instead around the same time as Americanian Thankgiving, I'd say mine was rather uneventful other than me skipping school due to being in rather a lot of pain due to having my appendix ripped out.

So I'd say it was pretty bad. But it's good to hear you had fun.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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