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Attention! Barraki Pictures!



You heard me right- I got Takadox and Carapar at the Burlington Lego Store, and I got photos of Carapar! HURRAH!




The first Carapar picture of my gallery! Feast yer eyes!



The second picture, it's a close-up.



A side view!



View of the back.



'Nother side view.



A close-up, again, but sinister.



Here's a link to the gallery, it should become public in a little. The gallery.




Enjoy! I also got the Squid Ammo (yes, it is called that) and Takadox. Expect pictures of those soon.


Notes: The Squid Ammo are rubber. This is apparently to make it safer, and I have found out how you make them fly. You use the thrower to clamp around the sides of the ammo, pull its tail back, and release.


There are a lot of new pieces. Jaw pieces, eye pieces, etc. Wonderful. Carapar's head is one piece that has the jaws connect to it with pin/axle pieces, and the eyes are put in the sockets. And the teeth are put in as well. Well, anyways, I GOT THE BARRAKI! YEAAAAAH!


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Is he supposed to be a crab? I kinda see it, but............


Anyways, I love how they're coloring the Barraki......I can't wait to see/get the others..........ZOMG SKWID MIZZELS!

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Funny how at the beginning, Carapar was one I didn't want to get, and now I want him so freakin' badly...He's still my favourite, although I dislike they grey. I'll probably have to buy another Nuparu Inika and substitute in the black pieces. for the grey ones.



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Sets I love: Carapar and Ehlek.


Sets I think coudl of been better but I still like them: Pridak ad Takadox.


Sets that are meh: Ones I havent mentioned.

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Must, go, to, toys, r, us. I thought that he was my least favorite, but now after your pictures, he's right up there with Ehlek for me!

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