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An Impossible Bzpower Project





I'm sure you've heard of Tilius' fantastic effort to get TLG to produce a Great Spirit set. If you haven't, the link to the poll is here, and his blog is here.


Anyway, here's my idea: If the effort fails, we build a Great Spirit TO SCALE with the sets. As I said in the poll topic, that's 1275.90698 kilometres tall.

I propose we build it in the Pacific or the Atlantic, whichever works best for BZPower's members. Having around 40000 members, we will be able to ration 318 metres (measured in height) of Spirit for each of 40000 members to build. The rest will build the appendages. It will be made out of System, LEGO will supply the parts (It will, after all, be awesome for publicity). We shall fill the inside with sand and water, make the islands (to scale too, of course) and sell properties in it. Or just live there ourselves.


All who are in support, comment "I".


I'm crazy enough to think that, with enough organisation, this is possible. Immensly unlikely, but possible. WHO'S WITH ME!?


Oh and here's some measurements:


It will be 1275.90698km tall, meaning it will require 127590698 bricks upwards, at it's highest point. Members need to build 31.8976745 metres of it each, that's 3190 bricks up each. I estimate the 'roof', or chest, of it will need to be around that depth as well, and I have yet to work out how thick he needs to be, although it'll be a lot. If a member gets 32m of head to do, he must also do 32 metres of each arm. This way everyone gets approximately equal work.




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