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*Ḋives Through Doorway*



I'm still alive!


I swear, I didn't fall off the face of the earth, I just got realllly busy and realllly stressed out, but then Thanksgiving break was like "oh heyyyy" and I got five days of doing absolutely nothing except for eating and hanging out with friends and family, and it was five days that were needed quite badly in my part.


Finals are next week for me. Ack! I have a painting, a huge charcoal drawing, a movie trailer, and my math homework for this week to finish, which will all be due on either next Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday. And, I get to completely write-off working on anything this Saturday (and maybe part of Friday) because I'll be heading to Boise for a indoor track meet. However, after all of this I'll get about 3 1/2 weeks off, which will be super nice.


Also: BrickFair. There is so much stuff that I still need to do in regards to it....including organizing the mosaic with CF, whatever it is I have to do for prep as the Other theme leader, BZPower shirt stuff, watching for the plane ticket prices to drop to something a bit more attainable (seriously, this is like watching grass grow)....and maybe I should get around to telling my parents that I am indeed going....


And yes, I know that BrickFair is quite some time away, but I'd rather have more of it done and out of the way in comparison to leaving it for the last second, especially as winter break will give me a good amount of time to potentially get a lot of things done, and if I end up working at Camp Meadowood again this summer (which I probably will), I'll have very little/no time to work on anything during July and the few days that proceed leaving for BrickFair. Plus, winter and spring terms brings the introduction of indoor and outdoor track seasons, and that's just another fiasco in its own right.


Apparently this is the 100th entry. I should have made it cooler.


(and 247 days until BrickFair!!)


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It's good to see you again. I'm sorry though that you're so busy. Hopefully you're enjoying what you're working on. ^_^


Don't worry about the shirt designs. You can put that at the bottom of your to do list. ;)

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I HAVE to make it to Brickfair somehow, I just gotta! Why is it so hard to find a job? Whhhyyy?


Life is crazy yeah...I envy you for that three week break. You take care though, you can do it!

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