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I got a haircut today. Feels sooooo strange to shake my head and not feel strands of hair whipping about. I think my mane was, like, five inches long or something, though it was more massive than anything since it is naturally curly/wavy.


Also, Nukaya, just a reminder to bring hair dye for me at BrickFair.




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It's gotta happen. Though we might have to buy it there....on the account that I probably wouldn't be able to bring it on the plane, since I'm aiming for not having to check in any luggage....*crosses fingers*



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my hair goes down below my nose when I pull it straight lol


works like camel eyelashes B)



mine goes down to my chin B)

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For my past few haircuts, the guy cutting my hair would barely cut it an inch or so. I had hair reaching my mouth for about 6 months.


Then I went last month, and boy, let's just say his haircut then made up for the past year or so. :P

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my hair goes down below my nose when I pull it straight lol


works like camel eyelashes B)



mine goes down to my chin B)




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:kaukau:I got mine cut a week ago. It was over ten inches in the back. Now I have it really short there. Some of the length in the front has been retained, and it goes down to the tip of my nose instead of to my chin if I pull it straight. Otherwise I have it "up" is a more formal look. It beats looking like one of those Disney teen stars.




Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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my hair goes down below my nose when I pull it straight lol


works like camel eyelashes B)



Me too, only I don't like it in my eyes.

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