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Festivus Approaches

Tufi Piyufi


Well, it does. Twenty more days, give or take. This year, we're gonna do it right: we're gonna get an actual pole and everything.


Oh, don't tell me you thought I was kidding all this time... Why would I jest about something like this?


Anyhow, I have this idea for this semi-massive Festivus picture story. I missed out on executing it last year, and I'm not keen on missing the boat this year. It's got a PTA in it and everything. They are psycho. Phone calls are made.


If only my adapter/charger wasn't missing and the card reader was hooked back up and Photo-Paint was stuck on this machine. Sigh.


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Being a big (albiet silent) fan of the last picture story, I'm really looking forward to this year. Really gotta excorsize those camera demons, y'know?

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Surely you realize, my dear Tufi, that not putting up links to your previous picture stories in a custom content block will result in them suffering a long and exquisite cyberlimbo that is in no way appropriate to their vast entertainment value? On the Internet, exposure is everything. Link link link! Gnerble.


Sorry. That had to come out sometime. We all have our moments of gnerble, don't we? I seem to be having a lot of those lately...


But yeah, sign me up for "Tufi Picture Story Fan Club." We don't get a lot of members-only perks, but we do get to get on her case every time she makes a statement that could be remotely construed as constituting a promise of picture stories to come.


So how's that picture story coming along, then?



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Being a big (albiet silent) fan of the last picture story, I'm really looking forward to this year. Really gotta excorsize those camera demons, y'know?

That I must. I suppose I could technically use my brother's adapter, and I could just use the cable and nab all the pictures on the card like I've been meaning to... Hn. Yes, these obstacles are diminishing. This is good.


I'm so totally winning 'Feats of Strength' this year...

Like heck you are, bloggie.


Surely you realize, my dear Tufi, that not putting up links to your previous picture stories in a custom content block will result in them suffering a long and exquisite cyberlimbo that is in no way appropriate to their vast entertainment value? On the Internet, exposure is everything. Link link link! Gnerble.


Sorry. That had to come out sometime. We all have our moments of gnerble, don't we? I seem to be having a lot of those lately...


But yeah, sign me up for "Tufi Picture Story Fan Club." We don't get a lot of members-only perks, but we do get to get on her case every time she makes a statement that could be remotely construed as constituting a promise of picture stories to come.


So how's that picture story coming along, then?



I suppose that'd be a rather good idea, yeah. Prolly line them up according to continuity, too. I guess I'll get to it, if the contest ever hits a lull.


Progress is actually being made, yay. The above camera-based revelations have been made, a request has been made to get all that Corel stuff back on as soon as possible, and I just wrote a whole chunk of script last night. I'm up to something like thirty-three shots so far, and I've got a huge chunk yet to get to. Also, set pieces have been built. This is a somewhat big one, yeah.

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