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Blog MΟС Contest #2: The Light Show!



Note: The deadline has been extended by one week, changing it to December 27th.


"What is this thing?" Kohilå asked. "Some sort of weapon?"

The Av-Matoran picked it up easily, despite its rather large and heavy appearance. "Mmhm," he replied. "Taps into your inner light. It collects some, combines it with your natural element, and charges up with the deadly power. Light, efficient, but above all else," he said, carefully slipping it back into the holster, "deadly."


The task is simple: Create a Light-based weapon that fits with the scene here. It can be a gun, a sword, you name it. The Entry Period will end December 27th, and voting will go from December 28th-30th. The winner will be announced New Year's Eve.


The prize will be official canonization of the weapon and it's history (As long as it's not contradictory) into "The C.I.R.C.L.E.", as well as a a medium-sized role in my current Epic, "Spirit Fable".


Separate topics for your Entry may be created, but you must post your MOC in the below format:


Username: [Your Username]
MOC Title: [Name of the Weapon]
MOC Entry Picture: [url="The URL"]Entry Pic[/url]
MOC Descripton: [History and Workings of the Weapon]
MOC Gallery/Topic: [url="The URL"]Gallery/Topic[/url]


Well, what are you waiting for? Get to building! :lol:


(On an unrelated note, I'm a little irked that the White Slizer Arm that served as the backbone to Turaga Mosi Kohilå decided to snap as I was adjusting the MOC, so now I need a new one. :glare: )



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Is there a technic/system percentage usage rule?


-Nuju Metru


Nope; It can be completely System, for all I care. :P


official cannonization of the weapon

lol @ canonization misspell


lol @ edit button

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Hmm, a light based weapon... am I intrested?

Ill see if I can make something up for it in time. How big does it need to be in comparison to a Av-toran? Roughly.



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Username: Vorox Chief

MOC Title: Light Powered Axe

MOC Entry Picture: Entry Pic

MOC Descripton: This axe is 3 feet long (In the story) and is surprisingly light weight. It channels the users inner light and elemental abilities into the blade.

MOC Gallery/Topic: Gallery

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Right I have finished mine, Now all i need to do is find that camera....

Edit: Well. I found my camera, only to find theres no batteries in it. Now I need to go buy some more... <_<



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MOC Title:

Elemental Fusion Armament


MOC Entry Picture:



MOC Descripton:

This contraption was invented in the time before time by the Fe-Matoran Engineer Ferohn.

He was attempting to develop a more efficient piece of mining equipment,

however that endeavor was met with failure when the device he'd built caused

catastrophic damage to an ore mine that was vital to his home island's economy.

Embarrassed by what he'd done, Ferohn discarded the mechanism in a corner of

his workshop on the Isle of Kopen Nui and sought to forget it ever existed.

Shortly thereafter, Ferohn was summoned to the Island City of Metru Nui

and his dwelling was abandoned.


Sometime later, a group of Matoran travelers known as the Meiu,

sought shelter from an intense storm. They were granted harbor

on the Isle of Kopen Nui and allowed to stay in Ferohn's former residence.

There they discovered the device and discerned that it was amazingly

some sort of portable elemental fusion chamber.

When the storm cleared the Meiu smuggled the invention,

which they had named the "Elemental Fusion Armament",

off the Isle of Kopen Nui and took it with them to places unknown.


MOC Gallery:

Gallery :lookhere:

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Username: ~Zahaku~

MOC Title: Light Fusion Cannon

MOC Entry Picture: Light Fusion Cannon

MOC Descripton: Designed by the Tai-Matoran inventor Mukdar. It was initially meant to be a mounted turret to defend his village from rahi. Instead of having to manufacture ammunation, he designed it to asorbs a small amount of light from the wielder. However a fault in his design caused the weapon to also asorb a small amount of elemental energy aswell and combine it with the light. The weapon killed the rahi he tested it on and it was decided that the weapon was too powerful for the matoran did not want to kill. He then made it portable and added a bayonet, hopeing to spark intrest from the Vortixx from Xia as a weapon of war. Unfortunately that also ended in disaster. Only one model was known to be made and it is unknown what Mukdar done with it, as he disapeared not long after it. Intrestingly enough, this is also the weapon Mukdar lost his arm making.

MOC Gallery: Gallery


Hope you like it!



Yay, deadline increase! Hopefully that means new entries!

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Hmm... I may be able to enter, now that the deadline has been pushed back. Plus, the vague description provides a lot of wiggle room.


Now, you say, "(As long as long as it's not contraditory)," but to what? Please make that a little more clear.


Additionally, are there any other rules (i.e., the typical BBC Contest rules, a no mass PMing rule, etc.)? Just to make sure. I like to know everything inside and out before beginning something.


Those are the only issues that I have; this sounds like an awesome contest! :happydance:


~ BioGaia


P.S. I'm really sorry to hear that the Slizer Arm broke; from the WIP that I saw, Turaga Kohila looked very well-made.

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Username: Kylus


MOC Title: Concentrated Elemental Fusion Emitter


MOC Entry Picture: Entry Pic


MOC Descripton: The Concentrated Elemental Fusion Emitter can hold a decent amount of light energy. While being held, it is prepared to merge with other elemental powers. Once the other powers are channeled, the light energy then mixes in as it is emitted from the weapon. All light energy collected through mid air by the weapon is stored in the small container in the handle of the weapon


MOC Gallery/Topic: Gallery


More pictures might be added to the gallery at a later time. Sorry for the miniscule description; I feel that it's best that you create a background for it in your story. I don't want it being completely irrelevant.


EDIT: Just spacing out the entry form so it's easier to read.

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