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Okay, it's cold. I admit it.


Oregon gets rain rain rain. I'm not used to this cold. I checked and it's 21 degrees.


This wouldn't be so bad if it were not for the fact that neither of our heaters can work properly, so when I wake up it's like a freezer up here.






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Right now we've got the "cloudless sky so there's absolutely nothing in the air to insulate us." But us west-side-of-the-Cascades people should be happy; I chatted with a friend in eastern Washington and he said it was 7 degrees out.


Bummer with the heaters. I know my parent's house can get veeeery cold if the electricity goes out and the heaters stop working.



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I woke up at seven this morning, and it was nine degrees outside. I was kind of worried that the milk in my cereal was going to freeze as I walked to class. Not fun. *kicks Eastern Oregon*



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It's getting colder and colder every year here. Last year we had three feet of snow and it's supposed to start again on Saturday.

Also I find it funny whenever I see blog entries like this because on the Canadian thermometre 21 degrees is room temperature. :P

- :l: :flagcanada:
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:kaukau:Did I ever tell you how it was below freezing and I had to go to sleep under the stars? Not sure. Anyways, my father was out of his mind. Somehow it seemed a good idea to him. Somehow it still seems like it was a lame idea to me. I hated it. At least I had several layers of clothing, but my hands could not be helped, and ther's where my circulation is poor. My feet only had one layer of socks, too.


So my advice: sleep with two pairs of socks on. And a coat.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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