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I Have A Ph.d. In Britishness



Did you know that a series of short plays can be written, produced, and performed within one week? Neither did I, until last week. Three of the students in a recent college production were invited to this scholarship competition (or something) in Reno next February, which of course costs money, so somebody got the idea to do a fundraiser for them and I got sucked in by virtue of my association with the theater crowd there.


It wasn't the greatest assemblage, but someone's dad had a great monologue and the two pieces I wrote seemed to go over well. Probably the best part was that I got to dress up as a scientist, upon whom I promptly bestowed my Michael Palin accent. Actually, that wasn't the best part. The best part was that the costume they found for me made me look like Dr. Horrible. Sadly, I forgot to get pictures, but it was still bloody awesome anyway.


Sunday night I went to my parish's Simbang Gabi celebration, which kicks off this Filipino Christmas celebration. It was very interesting going to a Mass largely in another language, and I taught myself some bits of Tagalog from the program-cheat-sheet-concordance-sort-of-thing. After that was the food, which was all very good. However, it may have resulted in the headache I now have and the nausea and cold sweat earlier in the day, but that could also be me reacting lightly to the bug that's passed through my family in the last couple days.


Now that it's Christmas break I've started sorting my Lego from the huge bin into which I dumped everything post-BrickCon. Eep. Also, I have finally found the solution to a problem that has been plaguing me for years. Huzzah!


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Speaking of a Ph.D.in Britishness, you know that this Thursday is International Talk With a Fake British Accent Day, right? It should be a jolly good showing, I daresay.


And finally finding solutions to problems that have been plaguing you for years deserve many huzzahs! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!



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Quite so, my good woman. I do hope I'll be able to remember it. I have the most terrible difficulty remembering important dates like that. Speak to me not of Towel Day.
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'International talk with a fake British accent day', eh?

I can't say I take a liking to it - I am British, anyway.


I say, chaps - that's just not cricket!

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Did you know that a series of short plays can be written, produced, and performed within one week?

I know that I (and a buncha other people) have done it in 24 hours. Good times man. Good times.

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