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Ben's Always Busy



I need to study more, that much is obvious. At least twice as much as I am now, and harder.


But somebody please tell me I'm not incorrect in thinking (knowing) that college is not study study study 24/7.


It really killed me one day in senior year of HS when a friend said "Ben's always busy." While I hung out (anime club and conventions, school newspaper), I was jealous, for lack of a better word, of my friends who did stuff on the weekends. Then at college, I no longer had to hide in my room studying all day or else my parents would ask if I had homework to do or make me feel like I had to justify what I was doing.


But maybe I was too free.


Anyway, don't suggest I make them try to see my view. Tried that tonight. They want me to study constantly and leave me with 3-10 hours of free time a week. (I guess I shouldn't mention the possibility of becoming student campus minister in the CCM...not to mention a few other things, like wanting a job. Good thing I didn't tell them about NaNo, though they're bound to find out when my friends and I do it in June.)


-CF :kakama:

(And once again internet anonymity strikes again, because if I posted an even longer rant for my friends IRL they'd all get worried about me.)*

*Apologies to those few BZPers I talk with constantly that I know better than a lot of other people over the internet.


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I subscribe to the school of studying less and chilling out more and getting the B instead of the A



although, there has been a class where i studied nonstop, sacrificing other classes to work on it and I still got a D.


go figure

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although, there has been a class where i studied nonstop, sacrificing other classes to work on it and I still got a D.


go figure



I honestly have been so sick these past two years I've worried about everything else but school and I got lots of regret from it, even though it wasn't really my fault. I think it depends on the situation, the subject, and all of that. I want good grades, but when you're missing your friends and being miserable, I would just do what you think best.

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Nor to me; I manage to fit in enough socialization for my taste and still have a cumulative GPA between 3.0 and 3.94. But then, I'm not in the same college situation. I'll report back to you in after the 2010/11 school year.
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After four and a half years of college, I can tell you that your grades, as long as they are passing, really don't matter. It's the degree at the end of the line that most potential employers care about, and let's be honest, the degree that enables a certain job is the point of the college system.


This time in your life only happens once. By all means, get the grades that you feel are good enough. Do as well as you want to, and make friends and connections that have the possibility of lasting well into your adulthood. Engage in the activities you'll never have a chance to engage in again.


And do well in school. However you define that.

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1) Studying too much all the time will likely make you explode.

2) And exploding is rather painful.


I think the problem is finding that median of socialness, school work, classes, athletic/extracurricular activities, etc. that actually balances.


But it's ok! I realized that during high school I rarely hung out with friends on the weekends and only really began to near the end of senior year. I just had so much going on I didn't really have time....and I turned out ok.


....I think.



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After four and a half years of college, I can tell you that your grades, as long as they are passing, really don't matter. It's the degree at the end of the line that most potential employers care about, and let's be honest, the degree that enables a certain job is the point of the college system.

Eh, my dad's all on top of me saying that I'll need to have the high GPA sticking out on applications/resumes otherwise I'll just be thrown away and not called in for an interview...

But at the same time I've known that I need good grades, but my experience should matter more.


Basically, the good grade will get me noticed so I can show my skill.



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