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The Nineties



So I was tinkering around with my [Popular Networking Website] page when I recieved a bulletin about the nineties.


Ahh, the memories . . .


So let's see how many twenty-somethings-plus we have on BZPower, shall we?


Holler back if you can remember the following:


The original, big-mouthed Simpsons.

The entrance of Santa's Little Helper.



The Wheel of Morality (NOT Monotony)

The Disney Afternoon.

Duck Tales.

Gummy Bear Adventures.

Batman: The Animated Series.

Both the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cartoon (and its theme song) and movies.

(And, dare I say it, Gargoyles. Hey, it first aired in '94. It's fair game.)

Where in the World is Carmen San Diego? (And its theme song.)

Captain Planet (And its theme song)

The ORIGINAL Power Rangers. The Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. Not Zeo, not Mystic Force, not SPD, just MMPR.

America's Funniest Home Videos. (And it's theme song.)

PBS's (in my case, KCET) Wishbone, Reading Rainbow, and The Magic School Bus (and the PSA's they had after every episode!)

Saved by the Bell

Lambchop's PlayAlong (And its theme song.)


The buzzwords psyche, not, da bomb.


ABC's TGIF lineup -- and their theme songs.


Oregon Trail, Math Blaster, or the Broderbund Living Books "games".



Choose Your Own Adventure.

(Both have since attempted to make a comeback.)


Plastic lunchboxes with a popular cartoon character/scene pasted on one side (and mourning when said sticker began to peel off).


SLAP BRACELETS. If you don't know what these are, there's no sense explaining.


The Super Nintendo.

The GameGear.

The ORIGINAL GameBoy, with the huge physique, the spinach-green screen, and the ability to play one-on-one multiplayer . . . And, later, the four-way cable.


The first Home Alone.

Cute Maculay Culkin.


Ring Pops.



The boom box, the walkman, and the cassette tape.




Tamagotchi'es/Nanopets (not Neopets :-P)/Gigapets, Furbies, Beanie Babies, Trolls.


WINDOWS 3.1 and DOS.

The "Three-Fingered Salute."




Researching meant going to the public library and using the CARD CATALOG.


If this doesn't suggest how old I am, I don't know what else possibly could. :-P


Have fun reminiscing!


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Wayne Brady will always be the Black Ranger.


To add:

The Smurfs



programming in BASIC

Garbage Pail kids

Superman underwear/pajamas


Er, maybe I'm getting too late-80's. I'll stop it here.



-KIE *time warp*

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Animaniacs. --I remember! I loved that show!

Duck Tales. --I can barely remember it, but I saw it...

Batman: The Animated Series. --Yes. I am a diehard fan of the show.

Captain Planet (And its theme song) --Yep. "Captain Planet, he's our hero, turn pollution down to zero!"

That's all I can remember, but yes, nostalgia does ripple over me when I think of the nineties... I call it the neon age, coz when I was little I went to malls a lot for some reason, and there were always neon signs, like for Taco Bell.

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I remember all of that PBS stuff...


I learned half of what I know from The Magic School Bus, Bill Nye The Science Guy, and Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood. They don't have young children's television as good as that anymore.

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You forgot one PBS show of great importance...


:happydance: BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY! :happydance:


*Starts singing theme song*


Seriously, that was great educational television. It spoofed just about everything (especially in one of the two space episodes (You know, the one with the Star Wars theme and text in the end credits (It spoofed Wayne's World, Star Wars, and H2G2 (before it was even a movie :o (I really need to close all of these parentheses))))).


Once in science class in the eighth grade, my teacher brought in Star Wars: Episode Five (We were learning about energy and force at the time (Other teachers watched X-Men and X-Men 2 instead (Gaaahh! More parentheses!))). Every one hated that he would include that as part of the curriculum (But everyone hated him anyway (Except for me (Die, parentheses!!!))). However, students of all ages lend their voices gladly to a rousing chorus of



Bill... Nye... the Science Guy



(Inertia is a property of matter)

BILL! BILL! BILL! Bill! Bill! Bill Nye the Science Guy


(T minus 9 seconds)




Sorry, lost control there. But remember to never leave Bill Nye out of your list of the 90s' most memorable moments.


With all due respect,

:vahi: Aanchir: Rachira of Time


(and annoying overused parentheses.)



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Biiiilll... Nye... the Science Guuuuy...


I always loved that part of his theme song. :P


Ah, so many memories. The magic schoolbus was (and still is) a great show!

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Wishbone (The little dog with a big imagination!), Bill Nye (The *insert random experiment apparatus here* of Science! and Science Rules!), DuckTales (Might solve a mystery, or rewrite history!), Garfield and Friends (Friends are there...), The Magic School Bus (As long as we don't get roasted, toasted, or eaten, I'm happy), Lambchop's PlayAlong (This is the song that never ends...), Where in the World is Carmen San Diego (same words with cool music), Oregon Trail (Susan has broken her leg, will you go on without her?), Wordmuncher (those little frogs were so fun), and so much more.


The memories are coming back.

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My nickname in school was Bill Nye the Science Guy. We watched Bill Nye videos in science class a lot. They were da bomb.



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I can't believe I forgot Bill Nye the Science Guy! I loved that show too!

I think there was a glitch in the system . . .

"This Unit performs at peak capacity."

. . . Fine, I just forgot. For shame!
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Wayne Brady will always be the Black Ranger.


Aye, and always would be. Too bad the actress of Trini died in a car crash and the rest.... well, something happened to them too.


But I know all of these! I'm not twenty-ish but I know all of these!


Hey, waidasec... were Chip and Dale created during this point of time? And... and... Scooby Doo?


:P I can't really tell the diff between some stuff. I know that Transformers is too old for this section, and Kim Possible is too new.


And- SLAP BRACELETS! It was also the age when handphones did not have a colourful screen and they were large and bulky. Also, the computer experienced a GREAT change in its technological advancement. I remember playing an old old computer with cassetes and a green screen and FM-synthesized 'bzzts' as the sound!


And huge laserdiscs! And Sylvester and Tweety Mysteries started in 1992, or around there. And was that the time when Barney came out? (AARGH!)


Well, if those are correct. :blush:



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Hey, waidasec... were Chip and Dale created during this point of time? And... and... Scooby Doo?

Chip & Dale, yes. They came out in between DuckTales (circa 1988) and Talespin (circa 1991)


Scooby Doo, no. First of those were 1968. Casey Casem is the voice of Shaggy.

Pup named Scooby Doo, however, was 1990's. Mid 1990's, I'm pretty sure.


Anyone going to hate me for mentioning the Smurfs?





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Argh! How could I have forgotten shows like Bill Nye and Wishbone?! I loved those shows! They were great, I watched them every day, and I think some of my interest in science and reading were sparked by 'em, after all, a lot of Wish Bone had historical plots, and years later, I'm interested in history! Man, how could I forget those? They were decently entertaining programming, a rarity these days......

Ooh! And I loved Garfield And Friends! I watched that so much! *nostalgia overdose*

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Awww, cmon. Everybody knows about Command Line Interface! :o

It's still under accessories ya' know. :P

~ :kakamanu: ~


True, but whoever accesses ( . . . did I spell that right? 0_0 ) it anymore? No, it's all about booting up INTO DOS. Now that's the Nineties. :-P



Argh! How could I have forgotten shows like Bill Nye and Wishbone?! I loved those shows! They were great, I watched them every day, and I think some of my interest in science and reading were sparked by 'em, after all, a lot of Wish Bone had historical plots, and years later, I'm interested in history! Man, how could I forget those? They were decently entertaining programming, a rarity these days......

Ooh! And I loved Garfield And Friends! I watched that so much! *nostalgia overdose*


Should it surprise anyone that, when the KCET Stores of Knowledge still existed, that I purchased various plush forms of Wishbone?


Oh, and I totally wanted the Wishbone as Robin Hood action figure. Yes, there were action figures.


I miss the KCET Stores of Knowledge!


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