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The B B C Forum



2010 has made the BBC forum overflow with Stars MOCs. :annoyed2: It's kind of irritating because other MOCs aren't getting enough attention.


Some of the Stars MOCs are really good, don't get me wrong. Here's the catch- the ridiculous amount of more simplistic MOCs are getting a lot of posts, where more complex creations like Brickeens' Toa Velox MOC are getting minimal posts, being bumped off the first page in a day.


All I want is for BZPers to give MOCs more attention in the BBC forum. Don't hesitate to post, any little compliment makes a MOCist's day. Most of the creations in that great forum toke builders a long time to build, and its a dream come true for their MOCs to inspire others to let their imagination run free. Comments increase your post count, and more importantly make dedicated MOCists better at what they like to do.


-Kylus :xmas:


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Hey, thanks for the mention. I did notice that it got shoved off the page very fast, and I guess I know why. But don't worry, I'll live with it.
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