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Got back from seeing the new James Cameron movie Avatar not too long ago.


It was pretty good. The visual effects were BEAUTIFUL and some of the best I've ever seen on screen. Story was a little cliche, but still entertaining.


My biggest problem with it was that it dragged on for WAY too long. It's almost three hours long, but the problem is that not a lot actually happened in that time. For a good chunk in the middle I thought they spent far too long on the "Look at all the cool stuff" factor and not enough time actually carrying the plot anywhere. For example, when the lead character learns to ride this flying creature, they show off their cool special effects and such, kinda like the first flight scene in Iron Man. This isn't necessarily a bad thing; I usually like those types of scenes. But they dragged that stuff on for like five to ten minutes. It got to the point where, three quarters of the way through the flying stuff, I got so bored with it that I actually found myself completely uninterested in the movie, which rarely happens, especially in a sci-fi flick. After that my interest was regained, but still. There were a couple characters that they should've spent more time developing and less time showing off the visuals.


I loved the soundtrack, too. So I recommend you all go see it in theaters -- and in 3D if possible -- to experience the best visual effects I've ever seen in any film. It was so beautiful to look at, and I guarantee it won't be anything close to the same on a television screen. Otherwise, don't expect a deep, complex plot.


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Yeah, plot was like Disney's Pocahontas, but besided that, it was an excellent movie. One of my favorites of the year.


Sigourney Weaver's avatar was so funny looking. lol



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Oh, Pocahontas is a good example, too. I just equated it as "Avatar: Dances With Wolves. In space."


I thought her avatar looked more like her than Sam Worthington's did. :P

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I felt that the middle/beginning bit needed to be elaborated on more to create a stronger emotional connection. I have a feeling it was cut short to his narrations. Still I loved the movie enough that I'd watch it for four hours straight. :P

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