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Snow Is Fun, But Slush Is Not.





Well, yesterday, as you probably know, I was treated to four inches of snow to do crazy stuff in. It was the biggest non-manmade snow I've ever seen in person since a 16-inch blizzard a few years back.


We kept ourselves busy sledding down our driveway, our neighbor's driveway (they're kind of strange, to be honest), and two roads (one of which I was able to sled 20 MPH down on). We were out there almost nonstop (save a thirty-minute break) from 8:00 to 11:00 at night. On the final run, I had to pull up my head to avoid brick steps and a trash bin, then I spun down until I slammed the bottom of my left kneecap into a fence.


The edge of the fence.


I dislocated it, but it popped back into place quickly enough for it to be sore today and not actively hurt.


Later, as I was going to sleep, I heard the peculiar sound of a bird hitting a screen, and then something snapping. It turned out to be a heavy-duty umbrella that snapped in two because of the ice.


Now, it's impossible to get outside today due to the snow. :(


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Hardcore. You should go to a local golf course to sled. I did today, and my goodness that snow was deep. Up to my knees at points. Perfect for sledding, though.
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