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What I Have Done At Work



  • Answered the phone. A lot.
  • Followed a little non-English-speaking girl (about 3 or 4 years old), who was having a jolly good time taking butterfly stickers and flinging them into the air. My time was spent peeling these stickers off the floor, shelves, merchandise, etc. I never did find her parents.
  • Got to remind a person that, no, we no longer carry the Bohrok sets. They were rather upset.
  • Got to meet a Lego employee who stocks our shelves once a week. She was very nice. ^____^
  • Heard Bakugan pronounced at least ten different ways; nine of them wrong, four of them painful.
  • Rejoiced in the fact that we are out of ZhuZhu.
  • Rejoiced in the fact that we are out of Mindflex.
  • Rejoiced in the fact that we are no longer out of HexBugs.
  • Finally got to see a GloDome (once) before they were wiped off the shelves.
  • Almost got run over by a herd of carts. o___o;
  • Got very sad when she saw the price of the Glatorian Legends jump from $12.99 to $15.99.
  • Got really weirded out to see all the Agori wiped off the shelf from the $4 sale this weekend.
  • Rescued a Slinkie.
  • Chased another 4-year-old girl who ran all the way across the store with a doll stroller.
  • Finally found the Sea Monkeys.
  • Finally found the ViewMasters.
  • Finally found the ZeroGravity RC Car thing
  • Finally found the ukeleles!
  • Loved KFC for their proximity.
  • Realized that she can find all these obscure things, but always forgets what aisles Barbie, Transformers, and Hot Wheels are on.
  • Got really sick of people asking for Rose Petal stuff (we've been out for days).
  • Somehow managed to carry (note: carry) a snowboard, three boxes, two rolls of wrapping paper and several assorted small items from one corner of the store to the other, in one trip, without dropping anything. Getting stopped four times on the way over didn't help, though.
  • Loathed the DVD section.
  • Wondered why people leave empty Starbucks cups all over the store.
  • Wondered why people leave half-eaten fruit in the store. Really?
  • Hid in a corner when the power went out for five seconds and all the registers konked out for fifteen minutes.
  • Realized that she really wants to be a kid again, cause man a lot of these TRU toys are so freakin' cool. :,D



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Sounds like you're having fun so far--it seems like a very interesting job. :P Just be careful about getting sick before Christmas, though. Places like TRU seem to be notorious for being germ factories. :annoyed2:
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*has exploded laughing at so many separate bullet points*


Realized that she can find all these obscure things, but always forgets what aisles Barbie, Transformers, and Hot Wheels are on.

As far as I'm concerned, you have a perfectly adequate sense of priority, dear. Aside from the Transformers.


... I wish I had a blog approval stamp.

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I understand all of those. Working retail can do that to ya. The Starbuck's thing gets very irritating at the Target that work at, especially since we have a Starbucks at the store.



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Got very sad when she saw the price of the Glatorian Legends jump from $12.99 to $15.99.

See, this is why I really resent TRU... or, I mean, the people way up top, because, well, I don't resent you, because that would be mean and uncalled for and... (pauses to take foot out of his mouth)... um, just forget I said anything, okay? :rolleyes: :P

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