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SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (AP) - A marketing campaign to promote milk by outfitting city bus shelters with cookie-scented cardboard strips has crumbled.


City officials ordered CBS Outdoor, the company that holds the advertising contract for its bus shelters, to remove the adhesive strips Tuesday, just one day after they were put up as part of a "Got Milk?" campaign.


The Municipal Transportation Agency canceled the plan after some residents raised objections. "We got complaints," said MTA spokeswoman Maggie Lynch. "It is controversial."


Some critics expressed concern over potential allergic reactions. Others complained the ads could be offensive to the poor and homeless who can't afford to buy sweet treats.


Scented oils were sandwiched between cardboard cards emblazoned with "Got Milk?" and affixed to shelter walls, in hopes that the smell of just-out-of-the-oven chocolate chip cookies would spark cravings for milk. The promotion was launched at five San Francisco bus shelters at a cost of about $30 per shelter.

Firstly, strange idea for a promotion. And secondly, that's sad people think it would be offending. Sheesh. There is nothing that can please everybody. So that's just stupid. What next? "Oh no, the air is wrong! Somebody fifty thousand miles away could feel insulted somehow! We must change it!" or "You existed wrong! We have to arrest you so nobody's offended!" Yargh.


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I heard that on da news yesterday, Is there nothing people won't complain about, I mean the day before yesterday people were complaining about Happy Feet, Yes, The PENGUIN movie, I don't see how people can see Global Warming hints in PENGUINS!! I have'nt seen that movie but THEIR PENGUINS!!

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I think they're just making up stupid excuses to sue people and get money...........Either that, or, as Grandpa Simpson said: "God let us grow old for a reason, to find fault in everything he's created!"


Oh, and, Mana Leader, based on the comercials, the only way how I can see how Happy Feet hints global warming is because there seems to be a bunch of cracking glaciers and icebergs and what not............

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