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Let the Airing of Grievances begin! I have collected twenty-three of them, since Festivus is the 23rd.


It grieves me that:

1. It will be a very long time, if ever, until I shall again be able to see the nice pretty girl who worked with me at the pool last night and with whom I hit it off rather well.

2. There is a complete lack of snow here such as to cause one to shake his fist at the world, roll over, and go back to sleep, as I did this morning.

3. People take unserious things seriously and serious things too seriously.

4. I have to wait until Christmas morning to eat the toutierre my mom baked.

5. Keith Goldman may still have a bias against studs.

6. I was not able to get all the pieces for my project from the same store.

7. I have coworkers at my other job who stand around and talk instead of working.

8. People think one-word posts and number ratings in the BBC are acceptable.

9. People aren't doing enough to make our world better.

10. The Norwegian spiral lights and Russian pyramid haven't been outed as UFOs or some crazy new military tech.

11. I don't have enough time to do everything I want to do and the time I do have I manage poorly.

12. My sister has chosen to play the clarinet.

13. I don't want to do anything with my NaNoWriMo novel now.

14. The Internet can be used for evil as well as for good.

15. I still don't know which college I want to go to most.

16. I have to wait for all these awesome movies that are coming out next year.

17. People keep misappropriating the meaning of the word 'love.'

18. My mom thinks having a laptop on my lap will give me cancer.

19. See #1.

20. I can't think of any more grievances.

21. I forgot about Twilight until now.

22. Twilight has extended its insidious reach into our local economy such that businesses are now offering Twilight golf and Bella burgers.

23. Our society is slipping, and the Twilight 'phenomenon' is just one of the symptoms.


Also, apparently Simon Pegg and Nick Frost are set to play Thomson and Thompson. If you don't know who they are, go...um...do something productive with your time. Yes.


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Why on earth is #12 a bad thing? Clarinet's awesome. I for one am a flautist.

Also as my sister who is sitting right next to me has just helpfully pointed out, it's one of the least painful instruments to listen to someone learn to play. And she's been playing for eight years.

Be glad your sister's not learning the oboe.

- :l: :flagcanada:
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#7--Always happens

#10--That Russian pyramid is crazy. But wasn't the Norwegian spiral said to be some sort of faulty missle?

#11--I'm in the same boat

#13--Just like everybody else. I still need to go wrap mine up, just for kicks.

#14--Well we already knew that

#16--Oooh, which movies? (Also, Avatar, Sherlock Holmes, and The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus all come out this year.)



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1. There's plenty of fish in the sea. :psychotwitch:

2. Have some of ours. Two hours after shoveling the walkway, it looks like you never did it.

3. That's so me sometimes. :(

8. You mean they're not? :rolleyes:

9. Which people? It depends, really.

10. Norway spiral = EISCAT experiment, according to the best of my intel. The Kremlin pyramid is still unexplained, AFAIK.

11. Ditto here. *sigh*

14. Just like anything else, amirite.

17. And just what might that meaning be? :sly:

18. Is there anything that doesn't supposedly cause cancer these days?

19. Come now, Arpy, my dear boy, it's just a matter of time. Patience!

20. Never say "can't!" :D

21. See, there you go. ^_^

22. I find that simultaneously hard to believe and not very surprising at all. :huh:

23. I fully agree. :annoyed:



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17. People keep misappropriating the meaning of the word 'love.'

Oh, so true... especially when it comes to Bionicle. :P

22. Twilight has extended its insidious reach into our local economy such that businesses are now offering Twilight golf and Bella burgers.

... part of me just died when I read that. :wacko:

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8. People think one-word posts and number ratings in the BBC are acceptable.

I really, really thought that was about BBC, as in the news station and became terribly confused in the process.....whoops.


15. I still don't know which college I want to go to most.

Eastern Oregon University! No out of state tuition!


22. Twilight has extended its insidious reach into our local economy such that businesses are now offering Twilight golf and Bella burgers.

Whathowwhat. Are they like....vegan burgers with her face on them in the shape of a bell or something?



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I've got it down to three or four already, but choosing just one is tricksy because they're all good. I'll wait for all my financial aid to get lined up before I make my decision, though.


I think the Bella Burger is made a Bella Burger because of the Portabella (get it? nyuk nyuk nyuk) mushrooms on it.

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