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Trek Through Target And Wal-mart Too



Or TTTAWT. Whatever you prefer.


So, we went to Target today. They're rearranging the LEGO aisle, so everything was out of place. I checked for the Stars, but all they had were a few Agori. Dejected, I turn around, and I see some Halo Mega Blocks sets. My mom sees my looking and asks "Do you want some of those?"


I say "Heck no. Mega Blocks fails. But look what's behind them." I move one, and see three of Nektann. I get one, picked up the second for my friend's Christmas present, and was leaving the aisle when I noticed the Buzz Lightyear Toy Story set. It actually looked pretty decent, though the legs are too bulky. If I was gonna get a Toy Story set, though, it'd be Zurg for the yellow Zamors.


So then we went to Wal-Mart to see if they had the rest. They didn't.


The one time you can never count on Wal-mart is when you need it most. <_<


But yeah. If the Stars are in Mississippi, odds are they're everywhere in the U.S. by now.


Now, to Nektann. He's so much win, I can't convey it into words. The spine is amazing, and it works on a normal Skakdi (Vezok) too, with just a few minor adjustments. The weapon's great, if a little too big. And the Tanma/Solek limbs in Dark Blue is something I've been wanting for a while.




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