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I think two should do it, three if I want a semifinal, which I frankly don't. :P There are already WAY too many votes to count up. I didn't think there would be such a big response in a few hours.
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I think two should do it, three if I want a semifinal, which I frankly don't. :P There are already WAY too many votes to count up. I didn't think there would be such a big response in a few hours.


The top two would be fine, although I personally think having some semi-finals would be better. The large response is also awesome, as its giving everyone more of a chance to get some actual votes! :D


As for counting, it's not too time consuming:

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Current Poll Standings:

Poll A

Entry 1: 1 votes

Entry 2: 1 vote

Entry 3: 6 votes

Entry 4: 6 votes

Entry 5: 7 votes

Entry 6: 2 votes

Entry 7: 6 votes


Poll B

Entry 1: 3 votes

Entry 2: 12 votes

Entry 3: 2 votes

Entry 4: 2 votes

Entry 5: 5 votes

Entry 6: 0 votes

Entry 7: 2 votes


Poll C

Entry 1: 18 votes

Entry 2: 3 votes

Entry 3: 2 votes

Entry 4: 4 votes

Entry 5: 7 votes

Entry 6: 1 vote

Entry 7: 4 vote


Art Poll

Entry One: 2 vote

Entry Two: 15 votes

Entry Three: 3 votes


~ Zar Wolf


EDIT: Forgot Art. >.< Added now.

EDIT 2: Updated current votes. :D (@4:02 PM my time) 12/31

EDIT 3: Updated votes again @8:40 PM. 12/31

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Ahahaha, no problem Kylus. Glad to be of some help.


Which, btw, I updated the count to include all the new votes since I originally posted. :D Enjoy!


~ Zar Wolf

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