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Boring Blog Entry About Nothing

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


I changed my mind on the ellipses (which, by the way, aren't deleted, but simply made into an invisible draft), but I just felt the urge (urge? Urge? As, in Hordika!?) to blog again anyways.



'Cause I

Would love

For Christmas to stay...


Three-hundred sixty-five days!



Despite my officially hating Christmas carols this year (because they're played so often on The Message---and if they play "I'll Be Home For Christmas" one more time, I'm going to hit the radio with a book), I can't help loving that special, warm feeling you get no other time. It doesn't matter what's happening, deep inside, you have something chanting, "It's Christmas! It's Christmas! It's coming again!"


So, anything special going on? No way! (Other than my still being warmer and fuzzier than Kopaka's Apprentice...despite LarryBoy's best efforts with the mold-killer). Maybe that's why I'm feeling happy again! Happy, happy, happy--- And no! I don't mean because of the mold! :P I'm not moldy! Really!


And I posted a new picture of myself in the Pics of Ourselves topic in CoT. You can't see much of my face, but it's a great picture of Traku being very happy he got first place in quizzing.


What does this have to do with anything? Anything Bionicle-related, earth-related, sky-related?


It don't got anything to do with nuffin'! :happydance:


Ain't that...nice?



LarryBoy: *Moves very slowly away from Turakii, eyes wide.*


To tell the truth, I'm so tired and so happy and so Christmas'd that I just felt like blogging about myself. :lookaround: I'll do better tomorrow, Master!


*Is zapped by Sonic Screwdriver.*


And now, I will leave you with these clever words:



BOO! I scared ya, didn't I?




Are ya bored yet? NO!?




You should be!




Well, fine. :P I'll just keep writing until I get tired!









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Must... wait... till... Christmas... Heh heh, Erm, yeah. :lookaround: Back on topic, I really can't wait for that Holiday to come forth and show it's face. You know why? 'Cause I can't wait for My Christmas Eve mustrushandbuymyfamiliespresentsfortomorrow. The following that is the even more exciting, mustwrapmylastminuteboughtpresentsformyfamilywithoutthemfindingoutwhichisn'tverylikely

consideringit'sthemiddleofthenightandI'msupposedlyasleepinbed rush. Aaahh, I love this Holiday. :D



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Well I would like to start by saying congratulations on your quiz, second place is nothing to sneeze at, unless you're alergic to prime numbers; secondly, as for Christmas songs, try "The Eight Polish Foods of Christmas" featuring the first apperence of Oscar, the Polish caterer; thirdly, I just realized that this is just one long sentince; I need to work on that sort of thing....

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Can't wait till Christmas, can't wait till Christmas, can't wait till Christmas! *Boom*


Ahem. :lookaround: I think I'll play Star Wars Battlefront 1 now. Nah. Maybe I'll make Kardas eat my BBC Entry! Nah. I guess I'll sit in bed all day listening to Christmas music (I caught a cold :( ). Nah. Maybe I'll kick my little brother? Nah. Nope, too bored...


Christmas!!! *Kaboom!*



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