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So. 2010. Nice man. Good with kids.


Thinking back, it's amazing and a bit frightening to contemplate how much I've changed over the past year, as well as how many changes still await me. This year I'll be flying on airplanes by myself, going to college, and generally becoming more independent than I have been so far. Even moreso than usual, I'm feeling particularly cautiously optimistic and happy about everything, which is all jolly good. So here I sit, listening to Boston's Peace of Mind and drinking a celebratory carton of eggnog.


Among other things, I also took myself on a retrospective tour of my presence on the Internet over the last year and beyond, which alerted me to a couple of things:


1. Either the BBC is seriously in a decline in regards to criticism, or else my MOCing skills are now beyond reproach. From becoming intimately familiar with the forum after my promotion to staff, I must say that I think the former is the case. The same level of criticism just isn't there. Comparing topics then and now, it seems that there used to be a time when more people actually gave reasons for why they thought things should be changed, or that failing, at least offer criticism, period, rather than offering generic praise spam and comments like "I like x MOC better than y MOC" without explaining why. More people gave in-depth reviews, too. Of course, there are exceptions, and of course, I plan on doing something about this. I'm not just going to sit here on the sidelines and grump. Though I am apparently an adult now, so I guess I'm entitled. Or I could not take this so seriously and not do anything about it. That sounds like a good idea, actually.


2. I have some creations from wayyy back that I never posted here, so I thought I'd do that and see what happens.


Have yourselves an Unwarrantedly Optimistic New Year, all! <3



oh and in completely unrelated news my walmart finally got some 2010 sets but with no sign of big chill or any stars


i did however buy the big buzz lightyear and the small power miners vehicle and they are <3


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I agree on the BBC forum. It seems like everyone just stopped caring about their posts, not even reading them over, checking to see if they'd be of any value to the MOCer. :bored:


also the big buzz lightyear set is awesome he's sitting on my desk right now you must incorporate the visor into a moc okay yeah oh and get swampfire instead because he is sand green which is <3

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But Big Chill has black limbs and feet and hands and I have lots of black, whereas I only have sand green from Zaktan.
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On the whole, the BBC has been lacking (with the exclusion of the MOCs made for BBCs and such).


With few exceptions, the BBC is full of generic humanoids. I really wish that the creativity of the last contest could be found all the time, instead of a few isolated incidents.

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Wait what happened to documenting your countdown to midnight and beyond and not pressing the backspace like past years?


But yes BBC seems to need some help into becoming the helpful critique spot it used to be.



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Wait what happened to documenting your countdown to midnight and beyond and not pressing the backspace like past years?



Real life. >_> I was in bed by one because there was a party in the morning (so counterintuitive) and I didn't want to be wasted on lack of sleep.

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On the whole, the BBC has been lacking (with the exclusion of the MOCs made for BBCs and such).


With few exceptions, the BBC is full of generic humanoids. I really wish that the creativity of the last contest could be found all the time, instead of a few isolated incidents.

I totally agree on the creativity of the last BBCC. It really... stretches your imagination, using odd pieces in new ways, does it not?

I agree on the overall BBC too; I just wish I had more time for reviews... perhaps I will this Spring (my non-profit's down-season).



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