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They were originally designed so I could enjoy my music in peace and without bothering you.


So why is it even with mine, which are studio quality monitors meant to block out external sound for the health of a professional musician's ear, I can hear your music bleeding out of your headphones?


Other than the obvious fact this is going to cause your body tinnitus before it gives you a child, it's just obnoxious, putting on your white iPod earbuds or "Gangsta" DJ earbuds and then cranking them to eleven so that I can hear you from the other side of a loud, moving bus quite clearly. And with my headphones on no less, which again, are something akin to what you could find someone performing a concert in a football stadium using to protect their ears, so ergo are much higher quality than your ear-destroying mini-speakers and shouldn't have to keep your own headphones out in the first place since they were designed for discrete listening.


Please, if not for me then so you can keep enjoying the music you so clearly love, turn it down.


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Agreed. I've been sitting, quietly jamming to Deep Purple/Queen/David Bowie/Black Sabbath/ACDC/Led Zeppelin/The Beatles/Paul McCartney & Wings/Devendra Banhart/Eric Clapton/Whatever, and suddenly I hear rap/screamo/whatever blaring, look around for the offending moron with speakers, and find some oblivious git wearing headphones.


It happens too many times.

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Also agreed.


I kinda wonder why they don't make headphones or music player settings that lock the decibels below the deafening level. :/ Then again, if you've turned it really high up then loud notes could sound off, but it shouldn't need to be that close to the limit anyhow....

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I hope you didn't have both headphones on. Else I'll be most displeased.



Ermm.... Are you suggesting that people should go around with only one headphone on, leaving the other dangling?

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:kaukau:The only time I did that when trying to talk at the same time was two minutes before New Years. It didn't make any sense, but it was fun.


I agree with you, in case I didn't do a good job of implying that, although I have to wonder what kind of iPod they were listening to that could go so loud.


Your Honor,

Emperor Kraggh

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I have awful airline headphones that can only support music at a listenable level if it blares it out.


My apologies for not having enough money.

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The wonderful thing is, I have a job.


And you know what?


It's expensive being a college student. REALLY expensive. So expensive you really can't understand it until you're in college.

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1. I was unaware you were.

2. I'd say that's incorrect; if a member of your immediate family is in college, you know.

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Not really. My sister is in her final year at a university.


I go to a cheap community college.


Still sooooooooooooooooooooooo expensive, and I really wasn't ready for it. I'm glad I have a job in this economy.

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