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Nnnnrgh! Ragh!



ARGH! BZP's servers were down so long before I could get this posted. That just adds to my stress! RAGH! I have very bad news. My mouse is broken. The thing that keeps the scrolling ball (which makes the little mous icon on one's screen go around) in broke, and I had to fix my mouse with scotch tape. So it works for now, but I'll have to buy another mouse or use duct tape to keep it in place. ARRRRRGH! I've had the mouse for ages, since around 2003, so it kinda figures, after all the times I've had to take the scroll button out, clear the dust out of my mouse, and put in back in in a painstaking and super irritating process. $#&%#@ mouse, it was always acting all jerky (being slow or moving unreliably, ruining things like spriting) and doing the aforementioned dust collecting, which would cripple it/make it an awful piece of %$#%*&^$ junk until I took the time to clean it out. So I'll need a new mouse, or will have to fix my old one coz it kinda broke. Yeah.


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I share your pain, my touchpad is all scratched up and has a certain fondness of teleporting randomly around the screen all willy-nilly like.><

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