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Visions Of Sugarplums...

Turakii #1 Lavasurfer


Once upon a time, millions of years ago, there was a row of dancing gingerbread men who were all stuck together because they were baked that way. They lived in a ceramic cookie jar.


For what felt like decades, they puzzled over how to separate, and what to do with their lives afterwards.


Finally, a Matoran named Shu solved the problem by eating the whole lot of them.



The End



IPB Image


(Just a note, the image is hosted on my mom's website, and yes, I have special permission from her to direct link to it.)


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Frankly, I don't see why any Matoran would want to eat a bunch of million-year-old gingerbread cookies. Gingerbread left out for even a month tastes horrible, not to mention it gets as hard as a rock.


Maybe he had teeth of steel or something. XP



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*gasp* The answer to my gingerbread infestation! Thank you!


*moments later*


*munch* Wait...These aren't gingerbread men! They're Kanohi! :crying: My beautiful collection!


Ahem. Remember: Kanohi and gingerbread men look very alike, so watch carefully! :P



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